Figure 2.
GPR174 intrinsically constrains T reg cell accumulation and CD103 expression. (A) Flow cytometry analysis of the percentage of dTomato+ cells in CD25− and CD25+ CD4 SP T reg thymocytes in Gpr174+/− female mice. Lines link measurements of populations from the same mouse; n = 8. (B and C) Flow cytometry analysis of the frequency of Foxp3+ CD4 SP or CD4+ T cells in 8-wk-old wild-type and Gpr174−/Y littermate male mice (B) and of the percentage of Foxp3+ CD4 SP or CD4+ T cells that express CD103 (surface) or Helios (intracellular; C); n = 7 or 9. Horizontal lines indicate the mean. (D) Flow cytometry analysis of mice reconstituted with mixed wild-type and Gpr174−/Y bone marrow. Lethally irradiated Ly5-2 mice (CD45.1+) were reconstituted with a mixture of bone marrow from wild-type Ly5-1/-2 F1 (CD45.1+CD45.2+) and Gpr174−/Y (Ly5-1, CD45.2+) mice. Radioresistant cells (Ly5-2, CD45.1+) were excluded, and the contribution of Gpr174−/Y-derived cells (Ly5-1) to the indicated cell subsets is shown; n = 4; error bars show SD. (E) The contribution of Gpr174−/Y-derived cells to the CD103+ T reg cell population is shown for mice reconstituted as in D, or with mixed bone marrow from wild-type Ly5-1/-2 F1 (CD45.1+CD45.2+) and wild-type mice (Ly5-1, CD45.2+) mice; n = 4. All data are representative of at least three independent experiments and were evaluated using paired (A, E) or unpaired (B–D) Student’s t test: *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.