Table 1.
Summary of studies describing in vitro osteogenic differentiation of MSC derived from fetal and maternal tissues
Placental region | Gestation time | MSC lineages used | Passage | Growth support | Readout | References | |
Fetal | Amnion | Term/NS | Bulk population | P0 | Plastic | Cytochemical staining | [114] |
Cultured passages | Plastic | Cytochemical staining | [44, 48, 60, 115–120] | ||||
Plastic | Gene evaluation | [48, 116–118] | |||||
Collagen I coated plastic | Cytochemical staining | [65, 121] | |||||
Collagen I coated plastic | Enzymatic evaluation | [121] | |||||
Collagen I coated plastic | Protein evaluation | [65] | |||||
Nukbone® scaffold | Gene evaluation | [70] | |||||
CD271+ | P0 | Plastic | Cytochemical and immunostaining, gene evaluation | [10] | |||
CD105+ | Cultured passages | Plastic | Cytochemical staining | [36] | |||
CD44+/CD73+/CD105+ and CD44+/CD73+/CD105− | Plastic | Enzymatic and protein evaluation, biochemical assay | [15] | ||||
hTERT transduced cells | Plastic | Cytochemical staining, enzymatic and gene evaluation | [122] | ||||
Side population | Plastic | Cytochemical and immunostaining, enzymatic and gene evaluation | [38] | ||||
1st trim, term | Bulk population | Plastic | Cytochemical and immunostaining, enzymatic evaluation | [18] | |||
2nd trim, term | Bulk population | Plastic | Cytochemical staining | [123] | |||
Chorion | Term/NS | Bulk population | Cultured passages | Plastic | Cytochemical staining | [20, 48, 119, 124–129] | |
Plastic | Immunostaining | [125] | |||||
Plastic | Enzymatic evaluation | [124, 125] | |||||
Plastic | Gene evaluation | [20, 48, 125, 127, 128] | |||||
Plastic | Biochemical assay | [124] | |||||
P0 | PU scaffold | Cytochemical staining | [80] | ||||
CD271+ | P0 | Plastic | Cytochemical and immunostaining, gene evaluation | [10] | |||
Fibroblast depleted and not-depleted cells | Cultured passages | Plastic | Cytochemical staining, enzymatic evaluation | [130] | |||
CD105+ | Plastic | Cytochemical staining | [36] | ||||
Bmi-1 or hTERT + Bmi-1 transduced cells | Plastic | Cytochemical staining | [131] | ||||
CD106+ and CD106− | Plastic | Cytochemical staining | [39] | ||||
C-kit+ | Plastic | Immunostaining | [132] | ||||
CD31−/CD45− | Plastic | Cytochemical staining, enzymatic and gene evaluation | [107] | ||||
1st trim | Bulk population | Cultured passages | Plastic | Cytochemical staining | [112, 133, 134] | ||
Bulk population | Plastic | Enzymatic evaluation | [133] | ||||
1st trim, term | Bulk population | Plastic | Cytochemical staining | [18, 111, 135] | |||
Fetal | Chorion | 1st trim, term | Bulk population | 1st trim, term | Plastic | Immunostaining, enzymatic evaluation | [18] |
Bulk population | Plastic | Gene and protein evaluation | [111] | ||||
Bulk population | Cell-free chorion scaffold | Cytochemical and immunostaining, enzymatic and gene evaluation, electron microscopy | [71] | ||||
Maternal | Decidua | Term | Bulk population | Cultured passages | Plastic | Cytochemical staining | [8, 31, 106, 136, 137] |
Bulk population | Plastic | Enzymatic evaluation | [106] | ||||
Bulk population | Plastic | Gene evaluation | [8, 31, 106, 136, 137] | ||||
2nd trim, term | Bulk population | Plastic | Cytochemical staining | [123] | |||
1st trim | Bulk population | Plastic | Cytochemical staining, enzymatic evaluation | [138] | |||
Unspecified placental tissue and/or a mix of placental tissues | Term | Bulk population | Cultured passages | Plastic | Cytochemical staining | [40, 41, 58, 59, 139–152] | |
Plastic | Immunostaining | [41] | |||||
Plastic | Enzymatic evaluation | [40, 59, 143, 152] | |||||
Plastic | Gene evaluation | [40, 41, 59, 144, 151, 152] | |||||
[PAH/PSS]9 PEM coated ITO treated glass electrodes | Cytochemical staining | [153] | |||||
Nano-biphasic calcium phosphate ceramics | Cytochemical staining, gene evaluation | [105] | |||||
PCL-PEG-PCL scaffold | Cytochemical staining, enzymatic and protein evaluation | [77] | |||||
FZD9+CD10+CD26+ | Plastic | Cytochemical staining, enzymatic and gene evaluation | [35] | ||||
AdLMP-1 or AdLacZ transduced cells | Plastic | Cytochemical staining, gene and protein evaluation | [154] |
NS not specified; trim trimester; PU polyurethane; PEM polyelectrolyte multilayers; PCL polycaprolactone; PEG poly ethylene glycol; PAH poly (allylamine hydrochloride); PSS poly(styrene sulfonate); ITO indium tin oxide; FZD9 frizzled-9