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. 2014 Dec 12;7(2):310–327. doi: 10.5539/gjhs.v7n2p310

Table 2.

Study participants, pre-study data, simulation, features of training procedures, and assessment

Citation Participants Pre-study data collected Simulation intervention Additional training Time between initial assessment and final assessment Training time Training tasks
Aggarwal et al., 2007 · 19 novice surgeons · None · LapSim VR · None · Not specified*
· Final assessment conducted over 4 weeks
· Not specified* · 7 basic tasks
· 3 levels of difficulty
· Skills for:
 1) Instrument navigation
 2) Grasping tissues
 3) Clip application
Ahlberg et al., 2007 · 29 4th year medical students · None · MIST-VR · None · Not specified* · 3 hours · 6 tasks simulate the maneuvers performed during a laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Ahlberg et al., 2002 · 13 surgical residents: Unclear on study design* · Mental rotation
· Cognitive tests,
· Verbal working memory
· Attitude toward simulator
· LapSim · None · The 1st surgery performed within 2 weeks of baseline measurement.
· The last surgery performed within 6 months of the start.
· Maximum of 40 hours in 1 week · Grasping
· Lift grasp
· Cutting right
· Cutting left
· Clip application
Andreatta et al., 2006 · 19 surgical interns
1) 10 in the training group
2) 9 in the control group
· Computer game experience · Simbionix LapMentor · None · 4 weeks · Duration is not specified*
· At least 10 repetitions were performed in order to reach proficiency by trainees
· 30-degree camera navigation
· Eye-hand coordination
· Clipping and grasping
· Cutting Electrocautery
· Translocation of objects
Banks et al., 2007 · 20 postgraduate year 1 residents · Laparoscopic experience · Task Trainer
· Laparoscopic BTL
· None · 4 months · Not specified, estimated to be approximately 4 hours* · 1 hr. of didactics
· 2 hours of hands on teaching in the skills lab with 3 stations:
1) Suturing pigs feet
2) Knot tying board
3) A lap simulator and an operative lap tower
Bennet et al. 2011 · 70 Medical Students · Laparoscopic experience
· Interest in surgical specialty
· Comfort with angled laparoscope.
· Box Trainer · None · 6 weeks · 10 minutes · Tutorial on camera simulator navigation
Gala et al., 2013 · 44 residents (PGY 1 & 2)
· 66 (PGY 3 & 4)
· Baseline data laparoscopic Pomeroy Bilateral tubal ligation · Psychomotor board testing with a peg board test · 2 times till mastery accomplished on all 5 validated laparoscopic simulators · not reported · 30 minutes with faculty member · Clipping
· Grasping
· Lifting
· Time
· Peg transfer
· Pattern cutting
Ganai et al., 2007 · 19 M3 students
1) 9 training group
2) 10 control group
· Laparoscopic cases observed or participated in were measured between baseline and performance · Endo Tower · None · 3-4 weeks · 1-hour sessions.
· Limit of 10 sessions per difficulty level (3 levels).
· Had to train to proficiency
· Navigation around a complex geometric structure to achieve specific view of target objects.
Grantcharov et al., 2004 · 16 surgical residents with limited laparoscopic experience · None · MIST-VR · None · 14 days · 3 hours · Task 1: virtual sphere to box transfer;
· Task 2: hand to hand transfer
· Task 3: grasping the segments of virtual pipe.
· Task 4: grasp virtual sphere, touch tip of other instrument, withdraw and reinsert, and touch sphere again.
· Task 5: virtual sphere was grasped, three plates appear on the surface of sphere, these are then touched by the other instruments.
· Task 6: combines actions of 4 and 5 with diathermying the plates while holding the sphere
Hogle et al., 2009 · Study 1:
1) 6 trained
2) 6 control
· Study 3:
3) 10 trained
4) 11 control
· Study 1and 3: None · Study 1and 3: LapSim · Study 1and 3: None · Study 1: 1 month
· Study 3: 5 weeks
· Study 1 and 3: None specified* · Camera navigation
· Instrument navigation
· Coordination
· Grasping
· Lifting and grasping
· Cutting
· Clip applying
Hung et al., 2012 · 24 robotic surgery trainees · Completed fewer than 10 robotic cases · Vinci Si · None · 5 weeks · 45 minutes · Run bowl and cut on circumferentially inked line on bowl
· Cut 2.5-cm inked line on anterior surface of bladder and water tight repair
· Resect Styrofoam tumor with a clean margin of renal parenchyma
Korndorffer et al., 2005 · 17 surgical residents PG1-PG5 · Demographic
· Video game ability
· MISTELS · None · 8 weeks · 8 hours (8 weeks during 1-hour weekly sessions) · Trainees trained on suturing.
Larsen et al., 2009 · 21 1st and 2nd year student specializing in OB/GYN · None · LapSim Gyn · None · Unclear* · 7 hours and 15 minutes · Trained on “lifting and grasping” and “cutting” [AND performed salpingectomy sparing ovary
· 0 and 30 degree camera manipulation, hand-eye coordination, clipping, grasping and clipping, two handed maneuvers, cutting, fulguration, and object translocation.
Seymour et al., 2002 16 PGY1-4 surgical residents · Visuospatial, perceptual
· Psychomotor ability tests
· MIST-VR · Video demonstrating optimal procedure performance · No initial assessment other than ability tests · 1 hour · Manipulate and diathermy task
Stefanidis et al., 2008 · 32 medical students
1) 6 control group
2) 13 trained group
3) 13 trained group plus environmental and more complex
· Demographic data
· Simulator experience
· Laparoscopic experience
· NASA TLX work load
· FLS video trainer model · Assessed on the trainer for retention before being assessed for transfer on Porcine Model · Retention and transfer tests conducted on same day.
· Average time between baseline and completion of training was 8.4 days
· For group II average training time was 239 minutes
· For group III average training time was 329 minutes
· Group II
 a. Trained to proficiency in lap suturing on an FLS video trainer model.
· Group III
 · Trained until proficiency
 · Perform the task in a constrained space
 · Had to listen to OR noise through headphones
 · Had to practice with shorter suture
 · Had to start with a dropped needle whose tip was facing away from the FLS model.
 · These four conditions were introduced gradually.
Stefanidis et al., 2007 · 15 novices · Demographics
· Experience with surgery and simulators
· Simulator · None · Not specified (approximately from 4-5)* · Average training was 4.7 hours (1.2 SD)
· 41 reps (10 SD)
· Lasted 6 days (4 SD)
· Laparoscopic suturing was assessed
Sroka et al., 2010 · 16 surgical residents (PGY 1-3) with no prior Fundamentals of Laparoscopic surgery training
1) 8 trained
2) 8 control
· None · MISTELS
· Box Trainer
· None · Mean time between pre and post training evaluations was 145 days. · Average time training on the simulator was 450 minutes. · Peg transfer
· Circle cut
· Placement of a ligating loop
· Simple suture tied with extra and intracorporeal techniques
Van Sickle et al. 2008 · 22 senior surgical residents (PGY3-6)
1) 11 control group
2) 11 trained group (Simulation and box trainer)
· Demographic
· Perceptual ability
· Previous laparoscopic surgery experience
· Box trainer
· None · Not specified* · Not specified* · Suturing on the VR trainer and box trainer
· Knot tying on the box trainer
Verdaasdonk et al., 2008 · 19 surgical trainees (1st and 2nd year)
1) 10 control group
2) 9 training group
· None · SIMENDO VR simulator · None · 1 week · Not specified* · Double surgical knot tying
Zendejas et al., 2011 · 50 PGY 1-5
1)  26 trained group
2)  24 control group
· Demographics
· Video game ability
· Guildford MATTU TEP task trainer · None · Approximately 10 days · Unclear · Trainees reduced the hernia sacs of right-sided indirect and femoral hernias and to position and tack a piece of 3.5 inches x 5 inches polypropylene mesh over the myopectineal orifice covering all potential right sided hernia defects.

Note: Indicates articles that are unclear or do not supply an explanation of information.

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