Table 2.
Description of some Schistosoma antigen candidates.
Stage Expressed | Antigen Abbreviations | Description | References |
Schistosomula, adults | Paramyosin (pmy) | Structural component of invertebrate muscle | [16,17] |
All stages | Sm14, Sj14, SjFABP, Fh15FABP, Sj14-3-3 | Fatty acid binding protein located below the sub-tegumental region of the male worm, and in the vitelline droplets of the vitelline glands of the female worm. The latter provides nutrients to the developing egg | [17,18] |
Schistosomula, adults | Sm-tsp-1, Sm-tsp-2 | Tetraspanin surface antigen containing B and T cell surface receptors, are abundant in both the lung-stage larval and adult stage parasites, and are crucial for the assembly and maintenance of protein scaffolds by which proteins are laterally organised | [6] |
Adults | Sm22,6, Sm29 | Tegument proteins | [18,19] |
Adults | Sm-CatD | Epitope on surface of the cathepsin D hemoglobinase protein which plays a pivotal role in digestion of the blood fluke’s bloodmeal | [20] |
Cercariae, Schistosomula, adults | Sjc-97 pmy, Sm97, Sj97 | Myofibrillar protein found in the muscle layer | [6,21] |
All stages | Sj26GST, Sb28GST, sm28GST, Sh28GST | Glutathione S-transferase enzyme, localised within the parenchymal region of the male parasite and in the parenchymal cells between the vitelline glands in the female worms, are a group of isoenzymes that catalyse the detoxification by thioconjugation of lipophilic molecules | [6,17,21,22] |
All stages | Sj23, Sm23 | Trans-membrane-4 superfamily integral membrane protein consisting of four hydrophobic trans-membrane domains and a large and small hydrophilic domain, both of which are thought to be extracellular | [6,21] |
All stages | SjTPI, SmTPI | A dimeric enzyme which converts glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate to dehydroxyacetone phosphate, an important step in the glycolytic pathway, is located at the surface membrane of newly transformed schistosomula and present in cells (gut, muscles and the tegument) of the adult worm inhibiting glycolysis | [5,17,21] |
All stages | Sm-p80 | Calpain is a surface membrane protein which affects parasitic surface membrane renewal and aids in the recycling of the tegument from lung-stage schistosomula or epithelial syncytium of the adult parasite | [5] |
Adults | SjIR | Insulin receptor enabling glucose uptake mediating parasite growth and reproduction | |
? | SjMF | Myoferlin, a part of the ferrin family of tegument proteins involved in plasma membrane repair | [23] |
All stages | SjASP | Aspartic protease responsible for digestion of haemoglobin | [18,24,25] |
Adults | Sj Serpin | Serine protease inhibitor | [24,25] |
Adult males | SjSVLBP | Very low density lipid binding protein | [18] |
All stages | SmESP | Laval excretory and secretory products | [26] |
? | SjNP30 | Anti-idiotypic antibody | [27] |
? | Ad.pIXgp70 | Friend Virus (FV) surface envelope protein gp70 | [28] |
Egg stage | LNFIII | Lacto-N-fucopentaose III found on the surface of Schistosoma eggs | [29] |