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. 2015 Jan 8;10(1):34–42.

Table 1.

Patients Characteristics based on their baseline visit (angiography time)*

All Patient (n = 1232) Medical Treatment (n = 406) PCI (n = 530) CABG (n = 296) P value

Age (y) 45.11±5.76 45.34±6.09 44.63±5.80 45.64±5.16 0.034
Sex 0.152
  Male 613 (49.8) 187 (46.1) 278 (52.5) 148 (50.0)
  Female 619 (50.2) 219 (53.9) 252 (47.5) 148 (50.0)
Risk Factors
  Positive Family History 539 (43.8) 168 (41.4) 233 (44.0) 138 (46.6) 0.381
  Hypertension 575 (46.7) 214 (52.7) 225 (42.5) 136 (45.9) 0.007
  Hyperlipidemia 884 (71.8) 279 (68.7) 390 (73.6) 215 (72.6) 0.242
  Diabetes Mellitus 390 (31.7) 123 (30.3) 162 (30.6) 105 (35.5) 0.268
  Cigarette Smoking 0.457
     Never Smoked 753 (61.1) 259 (63.8) 309 (58.3) 185 (62.5)
     Former Smokers 93 (7.5) 26 (6.4) 45 (8.5) 22 (7.4)
     Current Smokers 386 (31.3) 121 (29.8) 176 (33.2) 89 (30.1)
  Opium Usage 160 (13.0) 60 (14.8) 58 (10.9) 41 (13.9) 0.175
  No Risk Factor 41 (3.3) 13 (3.2) 20 (3.8) 8 (2.7) 0.702
BMI (kg/m2) 29.18±4.79 29.51±5.22 28.99±4.52 29.07±4.63 0.241
BMI Categories 0.185
  Underweight 12 (1.0) 5 (1.2) 5 (0.9) 2 (0.7)
  Normal 244 (19.9) 85 (21.1) 97 (18.3) 62 (20.9)
  Overweight 532 (43.3) 153 (38.1) 251 (47.4) 128 (43.2)
  Obese 440 (35.8) 159 (39.6) 177 (33.4) 104 (35.1)
Metabloic Syndrome 590 (47.9) 190 (32.2) 248 (42.0) 152 (25.8) 0.932
Triglyceride (mg/dl) 203.37±127.17 193.16±110.12 207.14±138.40 210.47±127.45 0.309
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 196.51±51.67 195.48±50.33 194.17±53.30 202.21±50.16 0.092
LDL (mg/dl) 119.95±42.61 119.02±41.96 118.10±42.84 124.21±42.90 0.122
HDL (mg/dl) 41.09±11.01 42.25±11.27 40.37±10.95 40.75±10.67 0.036
FBS (mg/dl) 127.64±61.01 127.35±62.75 124.92±56.30 132.79±66.01 0.580
Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.97±0.44 1.00±0.70 0,.95±0.23 0.96±0.24 0.886
EF (%) 52.55±10.01 52.93±9.99 52.40±10.16 52.26±9.81 0.638
Abdominal Circumference (cm) 0.360
  Male 98.11±9.33 99.34±10.89 97.72±8.14 97.44±9.42
  Female 99.87±13.49 100.24±12.28 100.06±14.71 99.00±12.6
Blood Pressure (mmHg)
  Systolic 127.16±18.23 128.82±17.01 125.30±19.11 128.59±17.79 0.028
  Diastolic 80.88±18.58 81.76±11.13 81.21±25.02 79.09±9.64 0.293
Heart Failure 5 (0.4) 2 (0.5) 1 (0.2) 2 (0.7) 0.732
Renal Failure 6 (0.5) 5 (1.3) 0 1 (0.4) 0.024
Recent MI 533 (45.6) 167 (43.2) 251 (49.5) 117 (42.1) 0.035
No. of Involved Vessels < 0.001
  SVD 559 (45.4) 238 (58.6) 286 (54.0) 35 (11.8)
  2VD 342 (27.8) 102 (25.1) 166 (31.3) 74 (25.0)
  3VD 331 (26.9) 66 (16.3) 78 (14.7) 187 (63.2)
Left Main Coronary Involvement 22 (1.8) 0 0 22 (7.4) < 0.001

Data are presented as mean±SD or n (%)

PCI, Percutaneous coronary intervention; CABG, Coronary artery bypass grafting; BMI, Body mass index; LDL, Low-density lipoprotein; HDL, High-density lipoprotein; FBS, Fasting blood sugar; EF, Ejection fraction; MI, Myocardial infarction; SVD, Single-vessel disease; 2VD, Two-vessel disease; 3VD, Three-vessel disease