V and CL ratios plotted by measured logP and BDDCS class. Ratios displayed as obese/controls. CL and V are weight-normalized (e.g., V in L/kg). If authors did not report weight-normalized values (antipyrine, carbamazepine, and caffeine), then weight-normalized parameters were calculated by dividing reported values by individual or study mean weight values. A: V by measured logP; B: V by BDDCS class; C: CL by measured logP; D: CL by BDDCS class. V, volume of distribution; Cl, clearance; logP, lipophilicity; BDDCS, Biopharmaceutical Drug Disposition Classification System; ace, acetaminophen; ant, antipyrine; caf, caffeine; cbz, carbamazepine; dox, doxorubicin; eto, etoposide; gen, gentamicin; mer, mercaptopurine; mtx, methotrexate; ten, teniposide; the, theophylline; tob, tobramycin; van, vancomycin.