Figure 3. WASF1 deletion may identify an aggressive subtype of prostate cancer.
a. Of the 36 CRPC samples in the BIDMC dataset (Affymetrix U133A array, accession ID GSE32269), the 9 samples with the highest quartile of WASF1 expression (gray, mean = 2.67) were compared against the 9 samples with the lowest quartile of WASF1 expression (yellow, mean = 1.41), and the genes contributing most to the distinguishing of these groups were identified with the ComparativeMarkerSelection [69] module in GenePattern [70] (fold-change ≥ ± 2.4 ×, P < 0.05 by Student's t-test). Red: high expression; blue: low expression. Expression intensity values are given in Supplementary Table 9. b. Enrichment plot of WASF1-high vs. WASF1-low gene expression and correlation with Androgen Receptor (AR) activity. Normalized enrichment score: –1.50; P = 0.038. c. Heatmap of gene expression associated with AR activity positively correlated with the WASF1-low group. Red: high expression; blue: low expression. Expression intensity values are given in Supplementary Table 10.