Table 1.
Drinking-related Tweets by keyword, 03/13/2014–04/11/2014 (N = 11,966,381)
Keywords | Number of Tweetsa |
drunk or #drunkb | 5,336,372 |
beer or #beerc | 3,444,778 |
alcohol or #alcohold | 1,565,258 |
vodka or #vodkae | 752,988 |
liquor or #liquor | 566,266 |
hangover or #hangoverf | 517,959 |
Sum does not equal the total of 11,966,381 Tweets because some Tweets contained more than one term;
excluded Tweets with references to “drunk in/with love” (including the popular song by Beyoncé, “Drunk in Love”), “drunk in/with/on power,” and “punch drunk”;
excluded Tweets with references to “beer belly,” “root beer,” “beer batter,” “Madison Beer,” “beer cheese,” “beer bar neon (signs),” and “beer stein”;
excluded Tweets with references to hand sanitizer/gel (also Germ-X and Purell) and rubbing alcohol;
excluded Tweets with references to “vodka sauce”;
excluded Tweets referencing The Hangover series of movies.