SDS-PAGE analysis (A) and heat stability analysis (B) of wild-type and mutant TVN1315 trehalase. (A) Lane M, molecular size marker (Precision Plus protein standards; Bio-Rad Laboratories); lane 1, TVN1315; lane 2, TVN1315 E408Q; lane 3, TVN1315 E571Q; and lane 4, TVN1315 E408Q/E571Q. The numbers in the margin indicate the molecular masses (in kilodaltons) of the proteins in the molecular size marker. (B) DSF analysis results for TVN1315 (circle), E408Q (triangle), E571Q (rhombus), and E408Q/E571Q (cross) are shown. The experimental procedure is detailed in Materials and Methods. Experiments were performed in triplicate, and the average values are shown.