Figure 4.
Percentage of cytotoxic T cells (CD3+CD8+) in mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) (A) and spleen (C) for the sleep-sufficient (open bars), stress (shaded bars) and REM sleep deprivation (SD) (solid bars) conditions in infected groups and uninfected groups *p<0.05%. The differential effect of infection in the three study conditions, sleep-sufficient, stress and SD, is shown in MLN (B) and spleen (D). The dashed red line represents the percentage of T cells (CD3+) in uninfected groups; the solid blue line represents the percentage of T cells in the infected groups. *p<0.05%; the percent chance with respect to uninfected is shown. In uninfected groups, the SD and stress conditions increased the percentage of cytotoxic T cells compared to the sleep-sufficiency condition in MLN, whereas in the spleen, SD induced a decrease compared to the sleep-sufficiency and stress conditions; however, in the infected group, the SD decreasing condition was only different during stress. The infection induced a significant decrease in SD and stress conditions and in MLN, whereas in the spleen, the infection appeared to be irrelevant. Experimental group were shown as an average ± standard error and analysed by means of a two way-ANOVA and Bonferroni as a post hoc test. Differences were considered significant when p< 0.05.