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. 2013 Mar 4;3(1):158–227. doi: 10.3390/ani3010158

Table 2.

An inventory of African herbal therapies against human gastrointestinal pain and diarrhea.

Species Family name Part used Diseases or symptoms Reference Analgesia/anti-inflammatory/anti-diarrhea tests Compounds/class
Carpobrotus edulis (L.); Carpobrotus acinaciformis (L.)L. bolus and Carpobrotus muirii (L.) L. bolus Aizoaceae Leaves Diarrhea and dysentery [ 5,90]
Achyranthes aspera Amaranthaceae Whole plant (root, leaves and aerial parts) Chest pain and stomach complaints [ 84] Achyranthine and glycosides
Hermbstaedtia odorata Amaranthaceae Leaves Diarrhea [ 5]
Guilleminea densa (Willd. ex Schult.) Moq. Amaranthaceae Root Diarrhea [ 91]
Scadoxus puniceus (L.) Friis & Nordal Amaryllidaceae Bulb & roots Stomach ailments and diarrhea [ 5]
Tulbaghia alliacea L.f. Amaryllidaceae Bulb Stomach ailments and rheumatism [ 5]
Anacardium Occidentale Anacardiaceae Fruit/Bark Pain and diarrhea [ 52] Tested for diarrhea [92]
Rhus chirindensis Anacardiaceae Stem bark Stomach ailments, and diarrhea; inflammation, rheumatism, analgesic and neurologic complaints [ 84] Hot-plate and acetic acid-induced pain and egg albumin-induced pedal edema [93] Flavonoids, triterpenoids
Mangifera indica L. Anacardiaceae Stem bark Diarrhea and dysentery; inflammation and neuropathic pain [ 52,94] Tail flick, writhing tests carrageenan- and formalin-induced oedema [95,96] Polyphenols
Protorhus longifolia (Bernh. ex C. Krauss) Engl. Anacardiaceae Bark Diarrhea and dysentery [ 5]
Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst Anacardiaceae Root, leaves and stem bark Diarrhea, dysentery and pain Egg albumin-induced paw oedema and heat-induced pain [55,62] Tannins, alkaloids, vitamin C and flavonoids
Lannea schimperi (Hochst. ex A.Rich.) Engl. Anacardiaceae Roots/bark leaves; Bark Stomach ache, chronic diarrhea [ 94,97]
Ozoroa insignis Delile Anacardiaceae Roots/stem bark/leaves Diarrhea and stomach ache [ 91,94]
Ozoroa paniculosa (Sond.) R. Fern. & A. Fern. Anacardiaceae Bark/root bark Diarrhea and abdominal pain [ 53,65]
Searsia incica, L.F. Searsia leptodictya (Diels) and other related species. Anacardiaceae Root/bark/leaves Diarrhea and pain [ 53,57,65] Flavonoids
Annona senegalensis Annonaceae Leaves Diarrhea (bark), toothaches and body pain [ 52] Egg albumin-induced paw oedema heat-induced pain [59,60] (antimotility mice; anti-cholinergic in rabbits)
Annona senegalensis Pers. Annonaceae Roots Stomachache [ 94]
Uvaria chamae P.Beauv. Annonaceae Roots/stem bark Gastroenteritis, diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal pain; sedative and analgesic [ 52,98] Paw edema [98] Alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins and phenols [98]
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Apiaceae Stem/leaves Cramp; colic, diarrhea [ 84] [99] Quercetin derivatives and volatile oils
Heteromorpha trifoliate (H.L.Wendl.) Eckl. & Zeyh Apiaceae Root/leaves Diarrhea; anti-inflammatory; painful joints, backache and headache [ 84,100] COX-1 inhibition test: [101]; TPA-induced ear and carrageenan-induced paw oedema in mouse Falcarindiol and sarisan
Alepidea amatymbica Eckl. & Zeyh. Apiaceae Root/rhizome Diarrhea, headache and rheumatism [ 84,102] [102] Terpenoids
Centella spp Apiaceae Roots Diarrhea and dysentery [ 23,28]
Calotropis procera Apocynaceae Leaves Diarrhea and pain [ 52] Alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, tannins, flavonoids, sterols and/or triterpenes in aerial parts [103]
Cynanchum acutum L. Apocynaceae Aerial parts Diarrhea [ 104] Castor oil- induced diarrhea; anti-motility assay Tannins, flavonoids, unsaturated sterols, triterpenes, carbohydrates, lactones and proteins and amino acids
Landolphia heudelotii A.DC. Apocynaceae Roots Body pain and diarrhea [ 52]
Acokanthera oppositifolia (Lam.) Codd Apocynaceae Roots/leavs Stomach ache, diarrhea, painful feet, rheumatism andtoothache [ 5,84] Amorphous acokantherin, flavonoids and proanthocyanidins [105]
Asclepias fruticosa Apocynaceae Roots/stem/leaves Stomach pain and diarrhea [ 84] Aardenolide glycoside, steroidal glycosides and 5,11-epoxymegastigmanes [106]
Amorphophallus consimilis Blume Araceae Bark Diarrhea [ 52]
Xysmalobium undulatum (L.) Apocynaceae. Roots Diarrhea, dysentery, stomach pain and headaches [ 5]
Aloe ferox Asparagaceae Leaves Diarrhea [ 5,107]
Aloe greatheadii Schönland Asparagaceae Leaves Diarrhea, [ 107]
Eucomis autumnalis (Mill.) Chitt. Asparagaceae Bulb Abdominal pain and diarrhea; and back pain [ 5]
Eucomis comosa Asparagaceae Root/bulb Rheumatism and teething baby [ 84] Homoisoflavones, nortriterpenes, and eucosterol
Ledebouria ovatifolia Asparagaceae. Bulb Gastroenteritis and backache [ 84] Bufadienolides
Scilla nervosa Asparagaceae. Bulb Dysentery and rheumatism [ 84] Digitalis, homoisoflavonoids and stilbenoids [108]
Kigelia Africana Bignoniaceae Bark/dried fruit Diarrhea; painful joints, back and rheumatism [ 84] Castor oil-induced diarrhea Antimotility [109]; Writhing and paw edema tests [110] Luteolin, flavonoids isocoumarins, sterols and iridoid glycosides, saponins, carbohydrates, glycosides and reducing sugars
Markhamia tomentosa (Benth.) K.Schum. ex Engl. Bignoniaceae Leaves Diarrhea [ 66]
Sarcophyte sanguinea Balanophoraceae Whole plant Diarrhea, dysentery and pain [ 84] Exocarpic acid, naringenin,
Tecomaria capensis Bignoniaceae Bark/leaves Diarrhea, dysentery, stomach pains; and chest pains [ 84] Flavonols, alkaloids and tannins
Diplotaxis acris (Forssk.) Boiss. Brassicaceae Aerial parts Diarrhea [ 104] Castor oil induced diarrhea Tannins, flavonoids, unsaturated sterols, triterpenes, carbohydrates, lactones and proteins/amino acids
Schouwia thebaica Brassicaceae Aerial parts Diarrhea [ 104] Castor oil induced diarrhea, anti-motility assay Tannins, flavonoids, unsaturated sterols, triterpenes, carbohydrates, lactones and proteins/amino acids
Boscia salicifolia Oliv. Capparaceae Roots/bark Diarrhea, pain, rheumatism [ 94]
Capparis erythrocarpos Isert Capparaceae Roots Chronic diarrhea [ 97]
Humulus lupulus L. Cannabaceae Seeds Diarrhea, inflammatation, pain, sedative [ 68,70] COX-2 inhibition and arthritis in mice [69] Phenolics and proanthrocyanidins [70]
Catha edulis Celastraceae Bark/leaves Pain and amoebic dysentery [ 64] Hot-plate, tail-flick, and writhing tests in mice [111]
Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell Celastraceae Roots/bark Stomach ache [ 94]
Gymnosporia senegalensis (Lam.) Loes. Celastraceae Diarrhea [ 62]
Allanblackia gabonensis (Pellegr.) Bamps Clusiaceae Stem bark Diarrhea, dysentery; inflammations and pain Hot-plate, tail-flick, writhing, paw edema tests [112]
Allanblackia floribunda var. gabonensis Pellegr. Clusiaceae Stem bark/fruit Dysentery, diarrhea, toothache [ 113]
Garcinia buchananii Baker Clusiaceae Stem bark Diarrhea, dysentery, abdominal pain [ 37,114] Inhibits GI motility and neurotransmission, lactose diarrhea [37,114,115,116] Biflavanones, alkaloids and steroids [34,37]
Garcinia livingstnei T.Anderson Clusiaceae Leaves Diarrhea [ 62]
Combretum micranthum Combretaceae Leaves Diarrhea, chest pain [ 52] Saponins, glucosides and triterpenes
Combretum hypopilinum (Diels) Combretaceae Leaves Bloody diarrhea [ 52] Saponins, glucosides and triterpenes
Combretum zeyheri Sond. Combretaceae Root Bloody diarrhea [ 117]
Combretum nigricans Combretaceae Root/leaves Body pain [ 52] Flavonoid, Saponins, glucosides and triterpenes
Combretum paniculatum / C. molle R. Br. ex G. Don Combretaceae Root/leaves Diarrhea and pain [ 52] Thermally- and chemically-induced nociceptive pain in mice [118] Saponins, glucosides, triterpenes, flavonoids in similar species inhibit pain [119]
Terminalia albida Scott-Elliot Combretaceae Root/leaves Stomach and back pain [ 52] Thermal - induced pain in rat (Terminalia bellirica fruits extract) Furanoid and diterpene
Terminalia phanerophlebia Combretaceae Root bark Diarrhea and colic [ 84] Triterpenoids, tannin, nerifolin and sericoside
Terminalia sericae DC. Combretaceae Roots/bark leaves Root bark Diarrhea and colic, diarrhea, stomachache, limb pain [ 84,94,120] Indian Arjuna has been tested for pain Triterpenoids, tannin, nerifolin and sericoside
Guiera Senegalensis J.F.Gmel. Combretaceae Roots/leaves Diarrhea; stomach pain and body pain [ 52] Castor oil-induced diarrhea [121] Alkaloids, steroids and cardiac glycosides [122]
Combretum zeyheri Sond. Combretaceae Roots/bark/leaves Diarrhea, dysentery Stomach ache and body pain [ 94]
Acanthospermum australe (Loefl.)Kuntze Compositae Whole plant Diarrhea [ 62]
Artemisia afra Jacq. ex Willd. Compositae Stomach ailments, and wounds [ 123]
Bidens bipinnata L. Compositae Leaves, aerial parts Diarrhea [ 5,104] Castor oil diarrhea, anti-motility assay [104] Tannins, flavonoids, unsaturated sterols, triterpenes, carbohydrates, lactones and proteins/amino acids
Dicoma capensis Less. Compositae Roots/herbs Diarrhea [ 28]
Senecio speciosus Willd. Compositae Stem/leaves Chest pain and headache [ 84]
Vernonia adoensis Compositae Roots/stem/leaves Diarrhea and stomach, painful joints, back and chest pain [ 84,97] Glaucolides
Helichrysum spp Compositae Root Diarrhea [ 124]
Pentzia incana (Thunb.) Kuntze Compositae Root Diarrhea [ 28]
Printzia pyrifolia Compositae Root Somach ache [ 84] Coumarate
Berkheya speciosa (DC.) O.Hoffm. Compositae Root/leaves Abdominal pains [ 84] Sesquiterpenoids and socomene
Bidens pilosa L. Compositae Root/leaves Diarrhea, stomach pain, colic [ 84,125] Chalchones and polyacetylenes
Brachylaena elliptica (Thunb.) Less. Compositae Leaves Stomach and back pain [ 84] Mucilage, tannins and onopordopicrin
Brachylaena discolor var. transvaalensis (E.Phillips & Schweick.) Beentje Compositae Bark/leaves Diarrhea [ 62]
Vernonia amygdalina Delile Compositae Leaves, fruit Dysentery and pain, chronic diarrhea [ 52,64,97] Writhing, formalin test, and tail-flick test [74] Polyphenols; sesquiterpene and lactones [75]
Xanthium strumariumv Compositae Root Analgesic, dysentery, inflammation [ 117] Tested Analgesic [126]
Convolvulus fatmensis G. Kunze. Convolvulaceae Aerial parts Diarrhea [ 104] Castor oil-induced diarrhea; anti-motility assay; anti-nociceptive tests [104] Tannins, flavonoids, unsaturated sterols, triterpenes, carbohydrates, lactones and proteins/amino acids
Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex A.DC. Ebenaceae Leaves/unripe fruits Diarrhea [ 84]
Curtisia dentata (Burm.f.) C.A.Sm. Curtisiaceae Root/bark Diarrhea and stomach ailments [ 5]
Crassula ovata (Mill.) Druce/Crassula tetragona L. Crassulaceae. Leaves Diarrhea [ 28]
Parinari curatellifolia Planch. ex Benth. Chrysobalanaceae Root/bark Chronic diarrhea [ 97]
Diospyros villosa Ebenaceae Roots/leaves Painful and intestinal complaints [ 84] Flavonoids
Croton gratissimus Euphorbiaceae Stem bark Diarrhea, dysentery and pain [ 84,127]
Euphorbia hirta L Euphorbiaceae Leaves Diarrhea; dysentery [ 66,128] Tannins, polyphenols, flavonoids, Alkanes, phytosterols and triterpenes [128]
Euphorbia cooperi N.E.Br. ex A.Berger Euphorbiaceae Bark of root Diarrhea and stomach disorders [ 5]
Euphorbia paralias L. Euphorbiaceae Aerial parts Diarrhea [ 104] Castor oil diarhhea, anti-motility assay [104] Tannins, flavonoids, unsaturated sterols, triterpenes, carbohydrates, lactones and proteins/amino acids
Pelargonium sidoides DC. Geraniaceae Roots/leaves Diarrhea, dysentery and vomiting [ 5]
Pelargonium luridum Geraniaceae Root/leaves Dysentery [ 5]
Pelargonium reinforme curtis Geraniaceae Root tuber Diarrhea, dysentery [ 28]
Pelargonium triste L'Hér. Geraniaceae Tuber Diarrhea, dysentery [ 28]
Monsonia emarginata L'Hér./Monsonia burkeana Planch. Ex. Hrv. Geraniaceae Roots/herb Diarrhea dysentery, inflammation [ 28]
Gunnera perpensa L. Gunneraceae Root Diarrhea, pain [ 84] Hot Plate, writhing, and paw edema [129] Bitter principles
Hymenocardia acida Tul. Hymenocardiaceae Roots/leaves Stomach ache [ 94]
Hypericum perforatum Hypericaceae Pods/aerial parts Diarrhea analgesic, and psychomotor disturbances [ 70] Castor oil-induced diarrhea in mice [77] Phenolic compounds and hyperforin [67,70]
Harungana madagascariensis Lam. ex Poir. Hypericaceae Bark/leaves Chronic diarrhea [ 97]
Hydnora africana Thunb. Hydnoraceae Tuber/fruits/leaves Dysentery and diarrhea [ 5]
Hypoxis latifolia Hook. (African potato (Eng.) Hypoxidaceae Tuber Diarrhea and headaches [ 5]
Hypoxis hemerocallidea Fisch., C.A.Mey. & Avé-Lall. Hypoxidaceae Tuber Diarrhea [ 84]
Icacina senegalensis Icacinaceae Leaves Diarrhea and back pain [ 52] Turpentine
Gladiolus sericeovillosus subsp. calvatus (Baker) Goldblatt Iridaceae Corm Diarrhea, dysentery and pain [ 5]
Gladiolus dalenii Van Geel Iridaceae Corm Diarrhea, dysentery, pain [ 78]
Vitex doniana Lamiaceae Root/leaves Diarrhea Castor oil-induced diarrhea [77]
Vitex mombassae Vatke Lamiaceae Root/leaves Stomach ache and diarrhea [ 94]
Premna senensis Klotzsch Lamiaceae Root/leaves Stomach ache and body pains [ 94]
Clerodendrum glabrum E.Mey Lamiaceae Root/leaves Diarrhea; fracture, painful joints and rheumatism [ 84] Electric current anxious stimulus [130]
Leonotis leonurus Lamiaceae Stem bark/leaves Dysentery and headache [ 84] Heat, acetic acid, egg-edema [95] Phenolic compounds, resins and carotenoid
Ocimum gratissimum L. Lamiaceae Leaves Diarrhea [ 97]
Salvia africana-caerulea L. Lamiaceae Leaves Diarrhea [ 28]
Ocotea bullata Lauraceae Bark Diarrhea; pains and headache [ 79,84] Tannins
Acacia albida Leguminosae Root Stomach pain [ 52]
Acacia catechu Leguminosae Leaf Stomach pain [ 64]
Acacia burkei Benth. Leguminosae Root/stem bark Diarrhea and painful back [ 84]
Acacia mearnsii De Wild. Leguminosae Bark of root Diarrhea and stomach disorders [ 5]
Acacia mellifera (M.Vahl) Benth. Leguminosae. Roots/bark/leaves Stomach ache and diarrhea [ 96]
Acacia polyacantha Leguminosae Root Body pain [ 52,80]
Acacia sieberiana Leguminosae Stem bark Diarrhea; and back pains and aches [ 84]
Abrus precatorius L. Leguminosae Root Stomach ache [ 94]
Albizia harveyi E. Fourn. Leguminosae Roots/leaves Stomach ache and chest pain [ 94]
Cassia abbreviata Oliv Leguminosae Roots/bark/leaves Diarrhea and stomach ache [ 94]
Cassia occidentalis L Leguminosae Leaves Body pain [ 52]
Calpurnia aurea Leguminosae Root/bark Stomach ache and dysentery [ 64,131]
Cassia sieberiana DC Leguminosae Root/bark Diarrhea, stomach pains, dewormer, inflammation [ 52] Writhing test in mice; and paw oedema in rats [132]
Dalbergia nitidula Baker Leguminosae Roots/bark Diarrhea and toothache [ 94]
Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn; .Dichrostachys cinerea Leguminosae Roots/bark/leaves Abdominal pains, diarrhea [ 84] Writhing tests and castor oil- induced diarrhea [133] Triterpenoids, beta-amyrim, beta sitosterol, alkaloids and saponin
Dichrostachys glomerata Leguminosae Leaves Diarrhea, toothache [ 52] Alkaloids, phenols and tannins
Eriosema psoraleoides (Lam.) G.Don Leguminosae Leaves Diarrhea, chronic diarrhea [ 66,97]
Erythrophleum lasianthum Leguminosae Stem bark Body pain and intestinal spasm [ 84] Erythrophleine, alkaloids and glucopyranosides
Elephantorrhiza elephantina (Burch.) Skeels Leguminosae Root/stem (Mixed with Acokanthera Oblongifolia) Dysentery, diarrhea [ 5]
Indigofera spp Leguminosae Whole plants/roots Diarrhea [ 53,91]
Moghania faginea (Guill. & Perr.) Kuntze Leguminosae Root/leaves Stomach/body/chest pelvic/back pain [ 52] Flavonol glycosides
Mundulea sericea (Willd.) A.Chev. Leguminosae Roots/bark Stomach ache [ 94]
Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) G.Don Leguminosae Bark Diarrhea and tooth ache [ 52] Castor oil diarrhea [134] writhing + hot plate tests [81] Cardiac glycosides, steroids, tannins and alkaloids
Peltophorum africanum Sond. Leguminosae Root/stem bark Colic, painful joints, toothaches and backaches [ 53,84] Flavonoids, gallic and chlorogenic acid
Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. Leguminosae Leaves Diarrhea, and body pain [ 52] Edema + writhing tests, castor oil-induced diarrhea, intestinal transit time [82,83] Friedelin, lupeol and epicathechin
Piliostigma thonningii (Schum.) Leguminosae Leaves/fruit/seed pod Stomach pain; headache, back and chest pain. [ 52] Piliostigmin, 2-phenoxychromone, and C-methylflavonols
Rhynchosia adenodes Eckl. & Zeyh. Leguminosae Roots Dysentery and pain [ 135]
Senna italica Mill. Leguminosae Roots/stem bark Diarrhea [ 53]
Senna occidentalis (L) Link. Leguminosae Roots/leaves Diarrhea, chronic diarrhea [ 62,97]
Schotia latifolia Jacq./Schotia brachypetala Sond. Leguminosae Bark Diarrhea and dysentery [ 62,102,136]
Sutherlandia frutescens L. Leguminosae Root, stem bark, leaves/flower Diarrhea and pain [ 84] Hot plate, acetic acid, paw edema tests [55] Canavanine and free amino-acids, flavonoids and triterpenoids [70]
Stylosanthes mucronata Willd. Leguminosae Leaves Diarrhea and chest pain [ 52]
Taverniera abyssinica A.Rich. Leguminosae Root Stomach pain and headaches. [ 64] Hot plate, writhing [85] Phytoalexins and isoflavonoids
Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Leguminosae Fruit/leaves Stomach pain and headaches [ 64] Hot plate, writhing, paw edema tests [137] Flavonol glycosides, alkaloids, cardiac glycosides and phenols
Zornia milneana Mohlenbr. Leguminosae Root/stem/leaves Diarrhea, dysentery and pain [ 58]
Linum thunbergii Eckl. & Zeyh. Linaceae Root Abdominal pains and diarrhea [ 84]
Strychnos henningsii Gilg Loganiaceae Root/bark Diarrhea; pain and arthritis [ 84,138,139] Alkaloid (O-acetylretuline) and triterpenoid (Friedelin) [140]
Strychnos spinosa Lam. Loganiaceae Root/bark/leaves Diarrhea, dysentery, stomach ache and body pain [ 52,94,141] Secoiridoid glucosides
Strychnos potatorum L.f. Loganiaceae Roots/leaves Stomach ache, toothache [ 94]
Tapinanthus bangwensis (Engl. & K.Krause)Danser Loranthaceae Leaves Stomach pain [ 52]
Punica granatum L. Lythraceae Roots/fruit rind Diarrhea and dysentery [ 28] Tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, triterpenoids and sterols [142]
Dissotis princeps (Kunth) Triana Melastomataceae Leaves Diarrhea and dysentery [ 78]
Bombax buonopozense Malvaceae. Bark/root Diarrhea and dysentery and chest pain [ 52] Methanolic extract tested against castor oil-induced diarrhea [143] Alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, terpenoids, steroids, phlobatannins, anthraquinones and carbohydrates [144]
Adansonia digitata L. Malvaceae Bark/leaves/fruit Diarrhea, stomach pain [ 52] Hot plate, human diarrhea [86]
Dombeya rotundifolia Planch. Malvaceae Root/bark/wood Diarrhea and pain [ 79]
Grewia bicolor Juss. Malvaceae Roots/bark/leaves Chronic diarrhea [ 97]
Sida alba L. Malvaceae Diarrhea and dysentery [ 57]
Hibiscus aethiopicus Malvaceae Root Painful swollen joints [ 84]
Hibiscus fuscus Garcke Malvaceae Leaves Chronic diarrhea [ 97]
Azadirachta indica , Azadirachta indica A.Juss. Meliaceae Leaves, roots/bark/leaves Stomach pain Headache, analgesic & anti-inflammatory [ 52,94] Tail flick, writhing-opioid [145] and non-opioid Nimbin, nimbinin, nimbidin and azadirachtin
Ekebergia capensis Meliaceae Root Dysentery, diarrhea, intestinal complaints; chest pains and headache [ 79,84]
Ekebergia benguelensis Welw. ex C.DC. Meliaceae Roots/bark leaves Stomach ache [ 94]
Khaya senegalensis (Ders.) A. Juss. Meliaceae Stem bark Diarrhea, [ 61]
Melia azadirachta Meliaceae Root/stem/leaves/fruit seed Abdominal pains [ 84] Effective writhing test not carageenan [146] Triterpenoids, steroids, gedunin, limonoids, coumarins, flavonoids
Trichilia emetica; relatedspp Meliaceae Bark, leavesand seeds Stomach and intestinal pains and rheumatism [ 84] Tannin and resins
Turraea floribunda Meliaceae Roots Painful joints, rheumatism [ 84] Limonoids
Melianthus comosus Hochst. Melianthaceae Root and leaves Dyspepsia, diarrhea; rheumatism and painful feet [ 84] Triterpenoids and bufadinolides
Albertisia delagoensis (N.E.Br.) Forman Menispermaceae Roots Diarrhea, dysentery, colic [ 147] Bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloids [147]
Antizoma angustifolia (Burch.) Miers ex Harv. Menispermaceae Roots Diarrhea, dysentery, colic [ 147]
Cissampelos mucronata A.Rich. Menispermaceae Roots Stomach pain [ 52] Sedative effects [87] Alkaloids, triterpenes, tannins, sterols, carbohydrates, glycosides, and flavonoids
Cissampelos pareira L. Menispermaceae. Roots Stomach ache [ 94]
Cissampelos capensis (L.f.) Diels Menispermaceae Rhizome Dysentery [ 62,147]
Cissampelos torulosa E.Mey. ex Harv. & Sond. Menispermaceae Rhizome Diarrhea and dysentery [ 57]
Ficus gnapalocarpa Moraceae Leaves Chest pain [ 52]
Ficus vogelii Moraceae Roots Body pain [ 52]
Psidium guajava L. Myrtaceae Roots/bark/leaves Diarrhea, dysentery [ 5,88,94,97]
Syzygium guineense (Willd.) DC. Myrtaceae Bark Chronic diarrhea [ 97]
Syzygium cordatum Hochst. ex Krauss Myrtaceae Bark/leaves Diarrhea, dysentery [ 79]
Ximenia caffra Sond. Olacaceae Roots/leaves Stomach ache, [ 94]
Olea europaea subsp. Africana. Olacaceae Fruit Dysentery, diarrhea [ 5]
Papaver somniferum L. Papaveraceae Narcotic; analgesic [ 70] Known Alkaloid (opium poppy) [70]
Harpagophytum procumbens Pedaliaceae Anti-inflammatory; anti-rheumatic [ 70] Standard pain test (HP, PE). Used in humans [22,148] Coumarins and phenolic glycosides [70]
Ceratotheca triloba (Bernh.) Hook.f. Pedaliaceae Leaves Diarrhea, gastrointestinal cramps [ 125]
Clutia spp Peraceae Leaves Painful joints, back and rheumatism [ 84]
Phytolacca americana Phytolaccaceae Roots/leaves/Fruit Diarrhea, rheumatism [ 84] Triterpenoids and saponin
Antidesma venosum E.Mey. ex Tul. Phyllanthaceae Roots Chronic diarrhea [ 97]
Bridelia micrantha Phyllanthaceae Root/stem bark/leaves Diarrhea, epigastric pain, toothache [ 84] Castor-oil, charcol meal anti-motility in rats [149] Friedelin, epi-friedelin, gallic acid, anthocyanidin, taraxerol, taraxerone and caffeic acid.
Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia Pax Phyllanthaceae Roots/bark/leaves Diarrhea; stabbing sensations [ 94]
Pittosporum viridiflorum sims Pittosporaceae Stem bark Stomach and abdominal, chest and back pains [ 84] Saponins and sesquiterpenoids
Scoparia dulcis L. Plantaginaceae Stalk Severe chest pain [ 52]
Plantago major L. Plantaginaceae Leaves Diarrhea and pain [ 104] Castor oil-induced diarrhea, anti-motility assay Tannins, flavonoids, triterpenes, unsaturated sterols, proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates and lactones
Plumbago auriculata Plumbaginaceae Root/leaves Painful joints, fractures [ 84] Naphthoquinone and plumbagin
Plumbago zeylanica L. Plumbaginaceae Root, leaves Diarrhea, headaches [ 52]
Imperata cylindrical Poaceae Root Darrhea, dysentery and pain [ 52]
Cenchrus ciliaris L. Poaceae Rhizome Bovine viral diarrhea, pain [ 84,150]
Protea simplex Poaceae Root bark Dysentery, diarrhea and stomach pain [ 78]
Protea welwitschii Engl. Poaceae Root bark Dysentery and diarrhea [ 53]
Securidaca longipedunculata Fres. Polygalaceae Roots, leaves Stomachache, headache and toothache [ 94]
Rumex obtusifolius L. Polygalaceae Leaves Diarrhea [ 5]
Rapanea melanophloeos (L.)Mez Primulaceae Bark/root Stomach pain and diarrhea [ 84,136] Tannin, triterpenoids and saponin
Berchemia zeyheri Rhamnaceae Stem bark Backache [ 84] Pentahydroxychachones
Helinus intergrifolius Rhamnaceae Root Painful joints and backache [ 84] Scyllitol, tannins and saponin
Prunus africana Hook. f. Rosaceae Roots, bark/fruits Diarrhea, abdominal ailments, intercostal-pain [ 5,84] Amygdalin, friedelin, hydrocyanic, ursolic acids, sterols, cyanogenic glycosides and saponins
Rubus rigidus spp Rosaceae Roots Diarrhea, dysentery and toothache [ 84] Tannins and pyragallol
Breonadia salicina (Vahl) Hepper & J.R.I.Wood Rubiaceae Bark Diarrhea, bloody stool and colic [ 151]
Catunaregam spinosa (Thunb.) Tirveng. Rubiaceae Roots/bark Stomach ache [ 94]
Crossopteryx febrifuga (G.Don) Benth. Rubiaceae Roots/bark Diarrhea, dysentery, stomach ache [ 94]
Gardenia erubescens Rubiaceae Roots Headache [ 52] Polyphenols
Mitragyna inermis (Willd.) Kuntze Rubiaceae Stem/leaves Body pain, diarrhea [ 52] Anti-motility effect in rat ileum [152] Triterpenoid saponins and alkaloids
Nauclea latifolia (Sm.) E.A.Bruce Rubiaceae Root/bark Diarrhea/dysentery/pain/inflammation [ 52,153,154,155] Chemical pain, hot-plate and tail flick; opioid, purinergic, GABAergic; diarrhea + antimotility tests [153,156] Polyphenolics, flavonoids, triterpenes and sterols [107,157]
Pentanisia prunelloides (Klotzsch) Walp. Rubiaceae Roots/bulb/leaves Diarrhea, abdominal and chest-pains and rheumatism [ 5,84]
Psychotria capensis (Eckl.) Schönland Diarrhea [ 5]
Rubia petiolaris DC. Rubiaceae Root Diarrhea and dysentery [ 28]
Agathosma betulina (P.J.Bergius) Pillans Rutaceae Cholera, diarrhea and dysentery and antispasmodic [ 158]
Agathosma crenulata (L.) Pillans Rutaceae Cholera, diarrhea and dysentery, and antispasmodic [ 158]
Clausena anisata (Willd.) Hook.f. ex Benth. Rutaceae Root/stem/leaves Abdominal pain toothache and rheumatism [ 84,131] Terpenoids, alkaloids, coumarins and limonoids
Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle Rutaceae Root Stomach pain [ 52] Lime
Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Lam.)Zepern. & Timleror (Fagara Zanthoxyloides) Rutaceae Stem bark/leaves Diarrhea, dyspepsia, toothache, abdominal pain [ 52,138] Tested against pain [159] Alkaloids, flavonoids and coumarins
Zanthoxylum chalybeum Engl. Rutaceae Roots/bark /leaves Stomachache, headache, and toothache [ 94]
Ziziphus mucronata Willd. Rutaceae Roots/bark/leaves Stomach ache, diarrhea, dysentery and chest pains [ 79,94]
Ziziphus Zeyheriana Sond. Rutaceae Roots Diarrhea and general gastrointestinal ailments [ 53]
Flacourtia indica (Burm.f.) Merr. Salicaceae Roots/leaves Stomach ache [ 94]
Hippobromus pauciflorus Radlk. Sapindaceae Root/bark/leaves Diarrhea, dysentery and headache, [ 5]
Paullinia pinnata L. Sapindaceae Leaves Diarrhea, body pain [ 52] Triterpenoids and flavone glycosides
Zanha africana (Radlk.)Exell Sapindaceae Roots/bark Stomachache, headache [ 94]
Manilkara concolor Harv. Sapotaceae Root/stem bark Diarrhea; joint and back pain [ 84]
Datura suaveolens Solanaceae Leaves Internal inflammation and body pain [ 52] GABA receptors [160] Scopolamine (hyoscine), ropine, hyoscyamine, and other alkaloids
Physalis peruviana L. Solanaceae Leaves Abdominal ailment [ 5]
Solanum spp Solanaceae Root/bark /leaves/fruits Abdominal pain, toothache, rheumatism [ 84] Alkaloids, vitamin C and carotene
Solanum aculeastrum Dunal Solanaceae Roots/leaves/fruits Dysentery, diarrhea [ 5]
Solanum incanum L. Solanaceae Stomach ache, [ 94]
Pouzolzia mixta Solms Urticaceae Roots/leaves Diarrhea and dysentery [ 57,79]
Lippia multifora Moldenke Verbenaceae Leaves Chest and body pain [ 52]
Lippia javanica (Burm.f.) Spreng. Verbenaceae Root/stem/leaves Diarrhea, dysentery, chest pain, rheumatism [ 84,117] Pentacyclic triterpenoids, essential oil, amino acids, and other acids
Bulbine abyssinica Xanthorrhoeaceae Tubers/leaves Diarrhea; rheumatism [ 5]
Bulbine asphodeloides Xanthorrhoeaceae Tuber/leaves Dysentery and diarrhea [ 84]
Bulbine latifolia Xanthorrhoeaceae Leaves Dysentery diarrhea and pain [ 84,102]

Blanks: Unknown or the existence of this information was not determined through literature search. However, for the majority the listed plant species the information is not known. The extracts of these plant species are recommended for high throughput screening for bioactive agents to treat gastrointestinal (GI) disorders such as diarrhea, inflammation and chronic pain. These plants have potential for novel complementary drugs against GI disorders presenting with diarrhea, dysentery, and chronic pain and hence complementary usage with acupuncture and western medications.