Table 2. Population parameters of N. barkeri in control and treatment.
Parameter | Control (mean ± SE) | Treatment (mean ± SE) |
Intrinsic rate of increase, r (d−1) | 0.1896 ± 0.0108a | 0.1461 ± 0.0109b |
Finite rate of increase, λ (d−1) | 1.2088 ± 0.0130a | 1.1572 ± 0.0170b |
Net reproductive rate, R0 (offspring) | 22.4833 ± 3.3773a | 13.4634 ± 2.3000b |
Mean generation time, T (d) | 16.3684 ± 0.2580b | 17.7014 ± 0.2660a |
Values followed by the different lowercase letters within a row are significantly different using t-tests (P < 0.05).