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. 2015 Jun 18;7(1):56. doi: 10.1186/s13073-015-0172-0

Table 3.

Population genetic statistics of the OCT1 gene for the different world regions

World region π (×10−4) θ (×10−4) Tajima’s D
All LOF Non-LOF πLOF / πnon-LOF All LOF Non-LOF All LOF Non-LOF
Sub-Saharan Africa 4.91 0.85 4.06 0.21 5.19 1.73 3.46 −0.096 −0.601 0.271
North Africa and Middle East 5.73 2.59 3.15 0.82 9.45 5.67 3.78 −0.869 −1.040 −0.280
Europe 7.93 3.06 4.87 0.63 8.52 4.65 3.87 −0.140 −0.568 0.400
Central Asia 7.60 2.36 5.24 0.45 11.73 5.42 6.32 −0.803 −1.042 −0.330
East Asia and Oceania 5.48 0.16 5.32 0.03 7.99 4.79 3.20 −0.621 −1.638* 0.976
America 3.63 2.76 0.87 3.18 4.25 1.06 3.18 −0.268 1.675 −1.204

LOF, loss-of-function. Included are all variants causing a more than 50 % reduction in OCT1 activity for at least one substrate tested, that is, Ser14Phe, Ser29Leu, Arg61Cys, Cys88Arg, Ser189Leu, Arg206Cys, Thr245Met, Glu284Lys, Gly401Ser, Met420del, Ile449Thr, and Gly465Arg; non-LOF, non-loss-of-function. Included are all variants that did not affect or caused an increase in OCT1 activity, that is, Pro117Leu, Phe160Leu, Pro341Leu, Arg342His, Met408Val, Gly414Ala, and Arg488Met

*P <0.01