Figure 1.
Figure 1a: Disengagement from HIV Care using three approaches to ascertaining outcomes. Cumulative incidence and 95% confidence intervals for disengagement from care at one, two and three years of observation and grouped by ascertainment approach. The “naïve” ascertainment approach uses only information documented in the clinic medical records and assumes those lost to follow-up are no longer in care. The “surveillance” approach supplements clinic-based information with HIV-related laboratory and vital status information routinely reported to the San Francisco County Department of Health. The “tracing” approach makes use of outcomes discovered through clinic-based effort to seek outcomes through phone calls and in-person visits to patient residences in the community.
Figure 1b: Mortality and care status using three approaches to ascertaining outcomes. The probability of death, remaining in care and being out of care estimated at one, two and three years of observation and grouped by ascertainment approach.