Figure 5. MRC1 Mutation Exacerbates ETI Cell Cycle and Lifespan Phenotypes but not Senescence or Telomere Shortening Rates.
Mother cell budding profiles for mrc1AQ(A) and tlc1Δ mrc1AQ (B). (C) mrc1AQ (n=40) strain lifespan does not differ from WT. (D) tlc1Δmrc1AQ (n=90) mutation worsens the lifespan reduction caused by ETI mutations in mother cells (p-value < 2e-7, compared with tlc1Δ). (E) ETI and ETI mrc1AQ mutants displayed similar rates of senescence when passaged on solid media. (F) Southern blot analysis of telomeric DNA restriction fragment lengths of cells taken from plates after serial streaks shown in (E).