Figure 5.
Analyses of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) properties after engraftment and contribution of host knee tissue. (A): Schematic representation of the flow cytomeric assay of green fluorescence protein (GFP+) MSCs around the regenerating meniscus (n = 2). (B): Representative flow cytometric profiles of regenerating meniscus for GFP+ and CD90+ cells. (C): Expression of the indicated markers in CD90 and GFP double positive MSCs. Shown is the percentage of cells that express the antigen (red line) versus a matched isotype control (blue line). (D): Schematic representation of the analysis of the contribution of host knee tissue (n = 2). (E): Macroscopic analysis for GFP detection of grafted WT tendon into GFP+ rat knee. White dotted lines indicate the native meniscus. (F): Representative flow cytometric profiles of regenerating meniscus for GFP+ and CD90+ cells. Abbreviations: GFP, green fluorescence protein; MSC, mesenchymal stem cell; WT, wild type.