Table 4. Computation time of the evaluated methods.
Mean computation times per model extraction, type of mathematical program solved and the used commercial solver are displayed for each evaluated method.
Method | Formulation | Solver | Mean Time ± SEM * |
iMAT | MILP | Gurobi | 0.1652 ± 0.0038 |
FastCORE | LP ⟳ | CPLEX | 0.2976 ± 0.0101 |
RegrEx-λ0 | MIQP | Gurobi | 60.0785 ± 0.0025 |
Lee2012 | LP ⟳ | Gurobi | 571.2108 ± 24.8921 |
RegrEx | MIQP ⟳ | Gurobi | 928.5313 ± 2.3079 |
SEM stands for Standard Error of the Mean.
⟳ stands for iteratively repeated.
*Time is shown in seconds.