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. 2004 Jun 10;23(13):2696–2705. doi: 10.1038/sj.emboj.7600266

Figure 7.

Figure 7

: Cytochrome f translated under the control of the psaC 5′ UTR is no longer repressed in the absence of the PsaA subunit, when PsaC is lacking. (A) Accumulation of petA, psaA and psaB (as a loading control) transcripts in a representative tetrad (out of six) from the cross {ΔpsaC, aCf} × maa-F31 and in the wild-type and parental strains. * designates the maa members of the tetrad, lacking psaA messenger. (B) Cytochrome f and OEE2 (as a loading control) accumulation in the same strains. (C) Rate of translation of the chimeric gene 5′psaC-petA in these strains. The positions of the neosynthesised cytochrome f and CP43 (as a loading and incorporation control) are indicated. The lane {ΔpsaC, aCf} is boxed because it originates from another region from the same gel. (D) Cytochrome f expressed from the 5′psaC-petA chimeric gene (normalised to that of the loading control OEE2) accumulates to 9 and 54% of the wild-type level, respectively, in strains expressing (aCf) or lacking PsaC ({ΔpsaC, aCf}).