(A) Copy numbers of IGP48 39, IGP40 40 and
IGP34 34 mRNAs measured by
qRT-PCR, in different life cycle stages, normalised to long slender BSF
mRNA levels at 1.0. Error bars denote standard errors of the mean from
triplicate measurements on independent RNA samples. Western blot of
trypanosome whole cell lysates using anti-IGP48 affinity-purified
antisera raised against E. coli-expressed recombinant
protein at 1:100 dilution. The blot was re-probed for PAD1 (protein
associated with differentiation 1), and which is specifically
unregulated in the stumpy bloodstream form, to validate the short stumpy
lysate. Rightmost; whole cell lysate probed with anti-IGP48 antisera to
validate specificity.
Abbreviations: BSF (LS), long slender bloodstream form; BSF
(SS), short stumpy bloodstream form and PCF, procyclic culture form.
(B) Intracellular localisation of IGP48-HA and IGP40-HA in
BSF cells under permeabilised conditions, and detected with anti-HA
antibody (red). Top panel: co-staining with anti-TbBiP
(green). Lower panels: co-straining with anti-TbRabX2 and
anti-p67 (green) using confocal microscopy. Bar = 2µm. Inset: expression
of IGP48-HA and IGP40-HA in 427 BSF cells detected by Western blotting
using anti-HA antibody.
(C) Digestion of IGP48 with PNGase F or Endo H, or treatment
with tunicamycin results in a large molecular weight shift. IGP48 was
detected in fractionated lysates using anti-HA antibody.
(D) Turnover of IGP48 and IGP40. Quantification of anti-HA
reactivity in lysates of cells expressing IGP48-HA and IGP40-HA
following inhibition of protein synthesis with cycloheximide. Error bars
represent the standard deviation and values were normalised against a
loading control, BiP (n = 3).