Mean percentages of calories from carbohydrate, protein and fat in subjects' baseline diet and modified diet. This includes all 16 subjects in whom diet modification was recommended and completed. Statistical difference in the mean percentage of calories from carbohydrate, protein and fat between the baseline pre intervention diet and the recommended modified diet was examined by paired t-test and demonstrated a significant difference for (51.7% vs 48.2%, p=0.0087), protein (15.8% vs 21.1%, p=0.0008) and fat (33.8% vs 31.8%, p=0.02). *p-value <0.05. CHO% - percentage of calories from carbohydrate in the subjects' diet; PRO%- percentage of calories from protein in the subjects' diet; FAT%- percentage of calories from fat in the subjects' diet; Pre- baseline pre intervention diet; Rec- recommended modified diet; *p value < 0.05