Figure 1. Cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of Mcu impairs mitochondrial Ca2+uptake.
(A) Targeting strategy for the Mcu locus to generate the Mcufl/fl mice where exons 5 and 6 were flanked with LoxP sites (triangles). Mcufl/fl mice were crossed to α-MHC MerCreMer (MCM) mice to generate the Mcufl/fl-MCM animals.
(B) Tamoxifen dosing to induce MerCreMer activity was given to 8 week-old animals for 4 weeks, followed by examination at 18 and 52 weeks of age.
(C) Western blots of MCU and mNCX expression in cardiac mitochondria. The COXI subunit of mitochondrial Complex IV was used as a protein loading control.
(D) Quantification of Ca2+ content from isolated cardiac mitochondria from the indicated genotypes of mice.
(E) Quantification of baseline mitochondrial Ca2+ content in permeabilized myocytes from the indicated genotypes of mice.
(F) The effect of Ru360 (1 μM) on mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake as measured by calcium-green 5N fluorescence in the solution. Mitochondria were challenged with 100 μM CaCl2 additions (arrows).
(G) Mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake in mitochondria from hearts of Mcufl/fl vs. Mcufll/fl-MCM mice. Mitochondria were challenged with 200 μM CaCl2 additions (arrows).
(H) Measurement of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake in permeabilized myocytes as assessed by Rhod-2 fluorescence in the indicated groups of mice, with or without Ru360.
(I) Quantification of Rhod-2 signal 14 min after Ca2+ addition as shown in H. *P<0.05 vs Mcufl/fl. All values reported as mean ± SEM.
(J) Measurement of mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux as mediated by mNCX and leak, assessed by Rhod-2 fluorescence in adult cardiomyocytes.
(K) Quantification of rates of mNCX Ca2+ efflux as shown in J. All values reported as mean ± SEM. *P<0.05 versus Mcufl/fl
See also Figure S1