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. 2015 Jul 8;93(1):198–202. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.14-0838

Table 2.

Case definition characteristics and criteria for NS,9,10 applied to the presented case

Case definition criteria (Kampala, 2012) Present case report (western Uganda, 1994)
Suspected case: reported head nodding in a previously healthy person (repetitive involuntary drops of the head toward the chest on ≥ 2 occasions) +
Probable case: suspected case with at least 2 major and 1 minor criteria
 Major criteria Age 3–18 years at onset of head nodding +
Nodding frequency 5–20 times/min [+]
 Minor criteria Other neurologic abnormalities +
Clustering in space and time with similar cases +
Triggering by eating or cold weather [+]
Delayed sexual or physical development +
Psychiatric manifestations n.r.
Confirmed case: probable case with documented head nodding episodes
Observed and recorded by a trained health-care worker n.r.
Videotaped head nodding episode n.r.
Video/EEG/EMG documenting head nodding as atonic seizure n.r.

+ = criterion recorded as present; [+] = criterion likely to be present although not explicitly recorded (see discussion for details); EEG = electroencephalogram; EMG = electromyogram; n.r. = not recorded; NS = nodding syndrome.