Expression pattern of scp3 in Xenopus. A and B, at the 8-cell stage, total mRNA from animal and vegetal blastomeres was extracted and analyzed by RNA-seq (A) or qPCR (B). The numbers in A indicate the reads/kb/million mapped reads of sequencing in two independent experiments (54). Vegetally enriched transcript bicc was used as a control. *, significantly different (A, false discovery rate <0.05; B, p < 0.05) between animal and vegetal samples. C, at the indicated stages, RNA from animal and vegetal cells was extracted, and the relative mRNA abundance of scp3 was analyzed by qPCR. D, qPCR shows the temporal expression pattern of scp3. E, expression profile of scp3 verified by in situ hybridization. The embryos from the 1-cell stage to stage 10.5 are shown in a lateral view. A stage 17 embryo is shown in a dorsal view with the anterior end toward the left. A stage 28 embryo is shown in a lateral view with its head toward the left. The arrow indicates the dorsal lip. Error bars, S.D.