Diverse iNPC conversion efficiency among species, strains, and adult mouse fibroblasts.
A, conversion efficiencies from three mouse strains (C57/BL6, CF1, and ICR) were slightly different. C57/BL6-derived fibroblast conversion efficiency was lower than CF1- and ICR-derived fibroblasts confirmed by nestin+ or SOX2+ cell number. In the case of rat fibroblasts, there were no differences among strains. Conversion efficiency of rat fibroblasts was lower than that of mouse strains (CF1 and ICR); however, the nestin+ and SOX2+ cell percentages were calculated from total cells, including cluster and non-cluster cells. After counting only purified cluster cells, nestin+ and SOX2+ cell percentages increased significantly. B–E, loss of fibroblast identity and gain of NPC-related gene expression in TTF-iNPCs. The representative markers collagen I (COL1; B and D, green) and SMA (B and D, red) of fibroblasts were decreased in iNPCs. Conversely, iNPCs expressed the NPC marker for nestin (E, red) compared with TTF (C). Unfortunately, the conversion efficiency was lower than embryonic fibroblasts. Scale bar, 20 μm.