Figure 2.
Most people have an even number of AMY1; odd numbers are associated with AMY2A CNV. (A) Integer AMY1 maximum-likelihood copy number (MLCN) measured by PRT and microsatellite methods for 209 unrelated Eurasian individuals from the HapMap project. (B) AMY2A copy number (CN) for the same individuals, with pie charts illustrating the significant association between even numbers of AMY1 and an AMY2A CN of 2 (P ≈ 5.3 × 10−7). (C) Estimates of read-depth-derived copy number estimates for AMY2A versus AMY1 for 644 Eurasian samples from the 1000 Genomes Project; the association between (integer-rounded) even numbers of AMY1 and an AMY2A copy number of 2 is significant (P ≈ 1.5 × 10−24).