Zebularine Treatment Induces Endoreplication and Requires Repair by HR.
HR assays. Left: representative cotyledons of mock and zebularine (zeb)-treated line 651. HR events, visible as blue dots, are indicated by red arrows. Right: HR frequency of SSA reporter line 651 and SDSA reporter line IC9C after 20 μM zebularine, 15 μM MMC, and 100 nM bleocin stress relative to mock treatment. Error bars denote sd of three biological replicates.
(B) The ratio of SDSA versus SSA after different treatments. Asterisk indicates significant differences (P < 0.001) relative to mock treatment in Fisher’s exact test.
(C) Average number of GUS spots in homozygous and hemizygous IC9C line after treatment with 20 μM zebularine. Error bars show sd of four biological replicates.
(D) Mean cycle values of nuclei isolated from cotyledons of wild-type and mutant plants after 15 d of treatment with 10 μM zebularine, 10 μM MMC, and 50 nM bleocin. Error bars indicate sd of three to five biological replicates, and asterisks denote statistically significant differences (t test, P < 0.05).