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. 2015 May 26;16(6):881–889. doi: 10.1007/s11121-015-0567-6
Intentional homicide An act committed with the intention to kill the victim or when death occurs as its predictable consequence
Unintentional homicides An action which did not have murder as its final purpose or as a predictable consequence
Qualified homicide One or more of the following circumstances apply: (a) the crime is committed for payment or compensation; (b) the crime involves malicious intent; (c) the intent is considered futile or a disproportionate reaction to a relatively minor situation; (d) the offender behaves with cruelty which results in serious harm to the public; (e) the homicide involves cheating, misrepresentation, or any means that make it difficult or impossible for the victim to defend themselves; or (f) the crime aims to ensure the execution, hiding, impunity, or advantages of another crime
Attempted homicide An unsuccessful attempt to kill someone
Robbery with a fatal outcome A situation when violence is used to conduct the robbery and results in the death of the victim
Qualified theft Defined by (1) the destruction of obstacles to the crime; (2) the abuse of trust, employment of fraud, dexterity, or skills; (3) the use of fake keys; and (4) more than one participating individual
Stealing The act of intentionally taking the personal property of another without consent through the use of severe threat or violence