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. 2015 Jul 1;2(3):ofv086. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofv086

Table 1.

Seven Cases of Coccidioides Endocarditis

Age Sex Ethnicity Cardiac Pathology Echo Blood Cultures CF Titers Treatment Outcome Ref.
34 yr F Hispanic Mediastinal mass; aortic valve No veg Neg 1:8 Surgery + Posaconazole Survived Current
10 yr M Hispanic Right atrial mass; tricuspid valve veg +mass n/a 1:2048 Surgery + Amphotericin + Fluconazole Survived [7]
3 wk F White Mitral and tricuspid valve veg +veg Neg 1:1 No antifungals Died [8]
21 yr M Black Mitral valve abscess; myocarditis n/a positive n/a No antifungals Died [9]
37 yr M White Mitral valve veg +veg Neg 1:256 Amphotericin Died [8]
53 yr M Hispanic Prosthetic aortic valve veg +veg Neg 1:32 Surgery + Amphotericin + Fluconazole Survived [8]
40 yr M White Mitral, aortic, tricuspid, and pulmonic valve veg +veg Neg 1:2 Amphotericin + Fluconazole Died [8]

Abbreviations: CF, serum Coccidioides complement fixation; F, female; M, male; n/a, not available; neg, negative; Ref, References; veg, vegetation(s).