a−e, Northern Hemisphere records. a, stacked grain-size GT32 record of East Asian winter monsoon. b, Benthic δ13C records from ODP 98018,19. c, Si/Sr ratio, reflecting layers that are poor in biogenic carbonate and relatively rich in detrital silicate minerals at IODP U1308 within the IRD belt5. d and e, Carbonate content and surface sea temperature (SST) in winter season from DSDP 607, respectively4. f, Tropical SST stack34. g−j, Southern Hemisphere records. g, Bottom water temperature (BWT) record from Mg/Ca of ODP 11238. h and i, Benthic δ13C23 and mass accumulation rate (MAR) of eolian iron flux24 from ODP 1090, respectively. j, Air temperature changes from EPICA ice core3. k, Antarctic CO2 concentation record60. l, Benthic δ18O stack LR0412. All the records from ocean deposits were calibrated to the timescale of LR0412, except the Fe MAR records of ODP 1090 in l which were tuned according to the EPICA EDC3 time scale24. Data in b and g are smoothed with a three-point running mean. The green shaded bars indicate interglacial MIS stratigraphy, and the light green and light gray ones highlight inter-hemispheric asymmetry during the “glacial” MIS 14.