(A) Representative images of OXT immunoreactivity in
different anterio-posterior levels of the PVN in Cntnap2 KO and
WT controls at P30. Scale bar: 100 µm. (B) Stereological
counts of OXT positive cells in the PVN region of both genotypes at P30 (n=4
mice, 2M-2F, per genotype). Student t-test, p=0.03. (C)
Quantification of OXT levels in whole brain extracts by radioimmunoassay at P30
(n=10 mice, 5M-5F, per genotype). Student t-test, p=0.01. M=male, F=female.
Box-plots represent the median plus the 25th and 75th percentiles. Whiskers
represent the minimum and maximum values. The mean is represented as a plus (+)