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. 2015 Jul 11;12:57. doi: 10.1186/s12984-015-0050-4

Table 1.

Demographic and BCI performance data for all subjects

Subject Age/Sex Time Since Stroke (mo) Stroke Type Stroke Location Clinical Presentation NIH Stroke Scale Barthel Index Geriatric Depress ion Score FM-LM Score (first/last assessm ent) Walking Aids Used at Time of Study Previous Lower Limb FES Use BCI-NMES Runs Completeda Overall Decoding Accuracy (%)
S1 83/M 29 I L basal ganglia R hemiparesis 5 90 0 23/27 AFO N 107 82.7
S2 59/F 9 I R internal capsule L hemiplegia 8 60 4 21/25 AFO + C N 98 79.1
S3 35/M 24 H R corona radiata L hemiparesis 6 100 0 29/31 AFO Y 119 61.6
S4 75/M 9 I L putamen/corona radiata R hemiparesis 7 75 7 18/21 AFO + W N 111 74.5
S5 51/M 8 I L basal ganglia R foot drop 3 100 6 25/26 AFO N 113 84.2
S6 71/M 102 I R basal ganglia L hemiparesis 2 100 1 25/29 AFO N 97 75.5
S7 66/F 23 I L pons R hemiparesis 5 95 4 21/26 AFO + C N 103 86.9
S8 38/F 24 H R basal ganglia L hemiparesis 5 70 1 23/22 AFO + C N 80 84.1
S9 60/M 19 H R thalamus L hemiparesis 5 100 2 26/26 AFO N 82 88.6

M: male, F: female, I: ischemic, H: hemorrhagic, L: left, R: right AFO: ankle-foot orthosis, C: cane, W: walker, Y: yes, N: no

aOut of a total of 910 runs, 864 were deemed significant (α = 0.01) by comparison to Monte-Carlo Simulation