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. 2015 Jul 8;75(7):318. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3518-2

Table 12.

Summary of model-independent upper limits for the five signal regions, in the below-Z region (20<m<70 GeV for SR-loose, 20<m<80 GeV for all other signal regions), in the combined ee+μμ and individual ee and μμ channels. Left to right: the observed yield (Ndata), total expected background (Nbkg), 95 % CL upper limits on the visible cross section (ϵσobs95) and on the number of signal events (Sobs95 ). The fifth column (Sexp95) shows the 95 % CL upper limit on the number of signal events, given the expected number (and ±1σ excursions on the expectation) of background events. The last two columns indicate the CLB value, i.e. the confidence level observed for the background-only hypothesis, and the discovery p-value (p(s=0)). For an observed number of events lower than expected, the discovery p-value has been truncated at 0.5

Signal region Channel Ndata Nbkg ϵσobs95 (fb) Sobs95 Sexp95 CLB p(s=0)
SR-2j-bveto ee+μμ 54 50±8±5 1.38 28.0 24-5+8 0.66 0.35
ee 30 26±4±3 0.99 20.1 18-5+3 0.73 0.28
μμ 24 24±3±3 0.88 17.8 18-6+3 0.50 0.50
SR-2j-btag ee+μμ 79 104±11±7 0.98 19.8 30-9+10 0.06 0.50
ee 40 49±6±4 0.85 17.2 20-3+8 0.19 0.50
μμ 39 56±6±5 0.63 12.8 20-3+9 0.06 0.50
SR-4j-bveto ee+μμ 6 8.2±3.1±1.4 0.38 7.7 8.3-1.6+3.2 0.37 0.50
ee 1 4.7±1.6±1.1 0.19 3.9 5.4-1.4+2.0 0.08 0.50
μμ 5 3.6±1.5±1.0 0.41 8.4 6.5-1.1+2.9 0.75 0.26
SR-4j-btag ee+μμ 31 38±6±3 0.85 17.3 19-4+7 0.25 0.50
ee 14 18±3±2 0.51 10.3 13-2+6 0.30 0.50
μμ 17 20±4±2 0.54 10.9 15-5+4 0.33 0.50
SR-loose ee+μμ 1133 1190±40±70 6.82 138.4 170-40+50 0.28 0.50
ee 509 510±20±40 4.88 99.0 100-30+40 0.51 0.48
μμ 624 680±20±50 4.10 83.3 110-30+40 0.18 0.50