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. 2015 Jul 8;75(7):318. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3518-2

Table 3.

Overview of all signal, control and validation regions used in the off-Z analysis. For SR-loose, events with two jets (at least three jets) are required to satisfy ETmiss > 150 (100) GeV. Further details are the same as in Table 2

Off-Z region ETmiss (GeV) njets nb-jets m (GeV) SF/DF
Signal regions
   SR-2j-bveto >200 2 = 0 m[80,110] SF
   SR-2j-btag >200 2 1 m[80,110] SF
   SR-4j-bveto >200 4 = 0 m[80,110] SF
   SR-4j-btag >200 4 1 m[80,110] SF
   SR-loose >(150, 100) (2,3) m[80,110] SF
Control regions
   CRZ-2j-bveto >200 2 = 0 80<m<110 SF
   CRZ-2j-btag >200 2 1 80<m<110 SF
   CRZ-4j-bveto >200 4 = 0 80<m<110 SF
   CRZ-4j-btag >200 4 1 80<m<110 SF
   CRZ-loose >(150, 100) (2,3) 80<m<110 SF
   CRT-2j-bveto >200 2 = 0 m[80,110] DF
   CRT-2j-btag >200 2 1 m[80,110] DF
   CRT-4j-bveto >200 4 = 0 m[80,110] DF
   CRT-4j-btag >200 4 1 m[80,110] DF
   CRT-loose >(150, 100) (2,3) m[80,110] DF
Validation regions
   VR-offZ 100–150 = 2 m[80,110] SF