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. 2015 Jul 10;10(7):e0129321. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129321

Table 3. Genes found in both RNA-Seq and RIP-Seq, sorted alphabetically.

The seven protein-coding genes identified as significant based on RIP-Seq and RNA-Seq are given. For RIP-Seq, the total number of significant ‘hits’ (binding events) per gene are reported, counted across two independent RIP experiments. Fold denotes the minimum fold change observed across all of the hits, where fold change is expressed as (HuR/IgG), and q denotes the maximum q-value (false discovery rate value based on method of Benjamini-Hochberg) from testing for HuR binding to RNA. Location of binding overlaps the annotated gene unless otherwise noted. For RNA-Seq, fold denotes change (HuR KO/CTL).

Gene ID Symbol Name Fold ≥ q Hits AveExpr q Fold
12326 Camk4 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV 637 <1E-68 2 7.40 .060 0.845
16423 Cd47 CD47 antigen (Rh-related antigen, integrin-associated signal transducer) 51 <1E-99 5 8.71 .077 1.181
15568 Elavl1 ELAV (embryonic lethal, abnormal vision)-like 1 (Hu antigen R) 159 <1E-99 6 7.25 .002 1.316
67698 Fam174a* family with sequence similarity 174, member A 169 <1E-99 4 4.70 .111 1.111
18286 Odf2 outer dense fiber of sperm tails 2 149 <1E-99 5 7.46 .041 0.864
320554 Tcp11l1* t-complex 11 like 1 146 <1E-99 2 0.49 .073 1.632
106205 Zc3h7a zinc finger CCCH type containing 7 A 31 <1E-99 2 7.59 .002 1.308

*Denotes the nearest annotated gene to the discovered binding site, rather than an overlapping annotated gene.