Figure 3. Previously Uncharacterized Protein Complexes Containing RNAP II in Association with Regulators of Protein Complex Assembly.
(A) Network highlighting the interactions of RPAPs-XAB1 with RNAP II, the regulatory complexes Integrator and Mediator, and a group of proteins with chaperone/scaffolding activity.
(B) Elution profile of RNAP II and the RPAPs-XAB1 in gel filtration.
(C) Previously uncharacterized proteins are associated with RNAP II. For each human protein, a representation with putative functional domains provided by the NCBI’s conserved domain database, the name of the closest yeast homologous gene as determined by a BLASTP search on the June 2005 assembly version of the UCSC genome browser, and gene essentiality in yeast provided by the SGD are shown. ARM, ARM repeat protein superfamily; ATP_bind_1, conserved hypothetical ATP-binding protein; DUF408, domain of unknown function; TPR, tetratricopeptide repeat domain; WD40, WD40 domain.
(D) Clustering analysis of mRNA expression profiles with tet-promoter alleles corresponding to RBA50, NPA3, YLR243W, and RPB11, in comparison to profiles from 214 other tet-promoter mutants representing diverse cellular functions (Mnaimneh et al., 2004).