Table 2.
Demographic and clinical characteristics of the hyperactive/impulsive remittent, persistent and healthy control group
T1: IMAGE | Remit (n=42) | Persist (n=59) | Control (n=40) | Test Statistic | Post-hoc | |||
Demographic | ||||||||
Age | 11.9 | (2.4) | 11.9 | (2.8) | 12.9 | (2.3) | F(2, 138)=2.092 | - |
Gender, % male | 85.7 | n=36 | 76.3 | n=45 | 25.0 | n=10 | χ2(2)=39.101** | R=P>C |
Estimated IQ | 94.5 | (12.8) | 95.9 | ((13.9) | 106.4 | (13.4) | F(2, 114)=8.954** | R=P<C |
Gestational ageb, weeks | 39.5 | (1.7) | 39.6 | (2.3) | 39.1 | (1.8) | F(2, 93)=0.578 | - |
Birth weightc, kg | 3.3 | (0.5) | 3.5 | (0.5) | 3.4 | (0.6) | F(2, 96)=0.723 | - |
Clinical | ||||||||
PACS hyperactivea | 7.93 | (1.1) | 8.27 | (0.9) | - | - | t(99)=−1.623 | - |
PACS inattentivea | 8.26 | (0.9) | 8.07 | (1.1) | - | - | t(99)=0.968 | - |
T2: NeuroIMAGE | Remit | Persist | Control | |||||
Demographic | ||||||||
Age | 17.9 | (2.5) | 17.8 | (2.7) | 17.8 | (2.1) | F(2, 138)=0.034 | - |
Estimated IQ | 96.3 | (13.2) | 94.1 | (15.1) | 106.7 | (13.5) | F(2, 136)=10.010** | R=P<C |
Duration medication use, months | 82.7 | (51.8) | 77.1 | (60.5) | - | - | t(99)=0.845 | - |
Scansite, % in Nijmegen | 59.5 | n=25 | 61.0 | n=36 | 60.0 | n=24 | χ2(2)=0.025 | - |
Motion during scanningd | 28.0 | (10.2) | 31.0 | (14.8) | 26.5 | (8.1) | F(2, 138)=1.886 | - |
Handness, % right handed | 88.1 | n=37 | 89.7 | n=52 | 90.0 | n=36 | χ2(2)=2.863 | - |
ODD, % | 10.9 | n=11 | 23.8 | n=24 | 0 | n=0 | χ2=2.274 | - |
CD, % | 2.0 | n=2 | 5.9 | n=6 | 0 | n=0 | χ2=1.032 | - |
Follow-up interval, years | 6.0 | (0.7) | 5.9 | (0.6) | 4.9 | (0.7) | F(2, 138)=36.098** | R=P>C |
Clinical | ||||||||
K-SADS hyperactivea | 3.4 | (1.4) | 7.6 | (1.1) | - | - | t(99)=15.284** | R<P |
K-SADS inattentivea | 7.1 | (1.3) | 7.2 | (1.8) | - | - | t(99)=−0.387 | - |
Note: M(SD); Estimated IQ based on Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children or Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale–III Vocabulary and block design.
Symptom count. Maximal 9 symptoms per dimension (≥6 is clinical threshold).
Gestational age missing for 18 remitters, 22 persisters, and 5 controls
Birth weight missing for 18 remitters, 22 persisters, and 2 controls
Motion during scanning quantified as the mean average displacement score of the realignment parameters
p < .001.