Fig. 3.
DNMT protein levels in lung tissues and AT2 cells following hyperoxia. Western blot (a) showing DNMT1 protein was highly expressed in lung tissues in the model group after between 7–10 day of hyperoxia, (b) and DNMT3b was highly expressed in the lower lobe of right lung tissues after 7 days of hyperoxia (c). A Western blot of DNMT1 and DNMT3b protein expression in AT2 cells from lung tissue (d) showed DNMT1 protein was poorly expressed in AT2 cells from the model group after 7 days of hyperoxia (e) while DNMT3b protein was highly expressed in AT2 cells after 10 day of hyperoxia. (f). C: Control group, E: Model group, *P < 0.05 vs. control group, n = 4