a–d. Hepatoblasts (HBs) expressing empty vector (EV) or the indicated IDH alleles at physiologic levels (see Extended Data Fig. 1a), were transferred to uncoated plates to induce hepatocyte differentiation. a, Hepatocyte sphere formation. b, proliferation, c, hepatocyte marker expression (qRT-PCR). d, Heat map of hepatocyte and biliary gene expression.
e,f. HB cells treated with 2.5µM AGI-5027 or DMSO vehicle. e, hepatocyte sphere formation (upper panel), proliferation (lower panel). f, hepatocyte marker expression.
g. HB cells in matrigel assessed for biliary differentiation. Tubular structures/6 cm dish ± std. are quantified. *P<0.05. Scale bars, 100 µm.