Healthy adults |
Irwin et al (2008)56
TC: 40 min, 3x/wk for 16 wks followed by practice for 9 more wks (n= 59)
Health education; 40 min, 3x/wk for 16 wks followed by a 9 wk assessment (n= 53)
Li et al (2004)32
TC: 8-form Yang style; 60 min, 3x/wk for 24 wks (n= 62)
Low-impact exercise; 60 min, 3x/wk for 24 wks (n= 56)
Not specified
Study staff, instructors
Each class
Liu et al (2012)20
TC: 24-form, Yang style; 45 mins, 2x/wk for 16 wks (n= 20)
Proprioception exercise: Static and dynamic balance exercises; 45s, 2x/wk for 16 wks (n= 20)
No structured exercise (n= 20)
Nedeljkovic et al (2012)21
Wolfson et al (1996)19
Balance Training (B): 45 min, 3x/wk for 3 months (n= 28)
Strength Training (S): 45 min, 3x/wk for 3 months (n= 28)
Balance + Strength Training (B+S): 90 min, 3x/wk for 3 months (n= 27)
Education; usual activities (n= 27)
All groups then received TC: 60 min, 1x/wk for additional 26 wks
Not specified
Instructors, study staff
Each exercise class
Impaired balance, musckuloskeletal health, reduced physical function |
Day et al (2012)22
TC: Modified 46-form Sun style; 60 min, 2x/wk for 24 wks (n= 250)
Stretching and flexibility: 60 min, 2x/wk for 24 wks (n= 253)
Dechamps et al (2009)57
TC: Modified Yang style for elderly; 30 min, 4x/wk for 24 wks (n= 26)
Cognition-action: 30 min progressing to 40 min, 2x/wk for 24 wks (n= 26)
Dechamps et al (2010)42
TC: Adapted variations of Yang style for elderly; 30 min, 4x/wk for 6 months (n= 51)
Cognition-action: 30-45 min, 2x/wk for 6 months (n= 49) Control: Usual care (n= 60)
Li et al (2004)33
TC: 24-form Yang style; 60 min, 3x/wk for 6 months (n= 125)
Exercise stretching; 60 min, 3x/wk for 6 months (n= 131)
Not specified
Study staff, instructors
Each class
Li et al (2005)43
TC: 24-form, Yang style; 60 min, 3x/wk for 6 months (n= 125)
Stretching, including controlled breathing and relaxation; 60 min, 3x/wk for 6 months (n= 131)
Li et al (2012)58
TC: Modified 8 form routine; 60 min, 2x/wk for 24 wks (n= 65)
Resistance Training: strengthening muscles, 8-10 exercises with a weighted vest and ankle weights; 60 min, 2x/wk for 24 wks (n= 65)
Stretching; 60 min, 2x/wk for 24 wks (n= 69)
“No serious AEs were observed during tai chi training..”
TC: In class (2 falls, 1 muscle soreness or pain); Out of class (19 falls, 4 low back pain, 1 ankle sprain)
Resistance: In class (4 falls, 4 muscle soreness or pain, 3 dizziness or faintness, 3 symptoms of hypotension); Out of class (31 falls, 3 symptoms of chest pain or discomfort, 1 symptoms of hypotension, 4 low back pain, 2 ankle sprains)
Stretching: In class (5 falls, 1 muscle soreness or pain, 2 dizziness or faintness, 1 symptoms of hypotension); Out of class (26 falls, 2 symptoms of chest pain or discomfort, 2 symptoms of hypotension, 5 low back pain, 1 ankle sprain)
Ming-Chien et al (2010)23
TC: 24-form, Yang style; 60 min, 3x/wk for 24 wks (n= 30)
No exercise intervention (n= 31)
Sattin et al (2005)59
TC: Modified Yang style; 60 min and progressing to 90 min, 2x/wk over the course of 48 wks (n= 158)
Wellness Education (WE); 60 min, 1x/wk for 48 wks (n= 153)
Shen et al (2010)45, 67
Placebo + TC: 500 mg medicinal starch daily and 24-form Yang style; 60 min, 3x/wk for 24 wks (n= 42)
Green Tea Polyphenol (GTP) + TC: 500 mg GTP daily and 24-form Yang style; 60 min, 3x/wk for 24 wks (n= 38)
GTP: 500 mg GTP daily for 24 wks (n= 47)
Placebo: 500 mg medicinal starch daily for 24 wks (n= 44)
Participants, study staff, instructors, blood markers
At baseline and every 4 wks throughout the study period
“Four participants reported AEs during the study. One subject in the Placebo arm experienced nausea and diarrhea…One subject in the GTP arm had elevated AST and ALT levels…One subject in the Placebo + TC arm reported having retinal bleeding on a non-exercise day and another subject in the Placebo + TC arm reported having a broken wrist on a non-exercise day…These four reports, as judged by the safety monitoring team, were unlikely related to the study protocol. No AEs due to TC was observed or reported in this study…sporadic complaints about muscle soreness during the first two weeks.”
Taylor et al (2012)53
TC: 10-form Sun style; 60 min, 1x/wk for 20 wks (n= 233)
TC: 10-form Sun style; 60 min, 2x/wk for 20 wks (n= 220)
Low-level exercise; 60 min, 1x/wk for 20 wks (n= 231)
Not specified
At end of intervention
“No serious AEs resulting from participation in any of the exercise programs. When asked whether participation in the program caused any problems, 11 (Low Level Exercise), 19 (TC 1) and 15 (TC 2) reported problems. The most commonly reported problem was an increase in aches and pains (4 Low Level Exercise, 4 TC 1 and 3 TC 2).”
Wayne et al (2012)49
Wolf et al (2003)55
TC: 6 out of 24 moves; 60 min progressing to 90 min, 2x/wk for 48 wks (n= 145)
Wellness education; 60 min, 1x/wk for 48 wks (n= 141)
Not specified
Not specified
Not specified
Adults with chronic pain |
Abbott et al (2006)41
Brismee et al (2007)17
TC: 24-form Yang style; 40 min, 3/wk for 6 wks, then 6 wks of home-based TC training (n=22)
Health lectures; 40 min, 3/wk for 6 wks, then 12 wks of no activity (n=19)
Fransen et al (2007)24
TC: Modified 24-form Sun style; 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks (n= 56)
Hydrotherapy: 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks (n= 55)
Waitlist; (n= 41)
Hall et al (2011)16
TC: TC for Health Program; 40 min, 2x/wk for 8 wks, then 1x/wk for 2 wks (n= 80)
Waitlist, usual health care (n= 80)
Not specified
“Three people discontinued treatment after 3 weeks due to medical complications not associated with the intervention…Three participants reported a small initial increase in back pain symptoms that were alleviated by the third or fourth week of treatment, and 1 participant reported an increase in upper back pain that was alleviated once they corrected upper extremity posture.”
Jones et al (2012)44
TC: Simplified 8-form Yang style; 90 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks (n= 51)
Education; 90 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks (n= 50)
Ni et al (2010)30
TC: 24-form Yang style; 30 min, 2x/wk for 8wks, 3x/wk for 8 wks, 4x/wk for 8 wks (n= 18)
Wellness education and stretching; 45 min, 1x/wk for 24 wks (n= 17)
Song et al (2003)25
TC: 12 move Sun style (TC for Arthritis by Dr. Paul Lam); 3x/wk for 2 wks with a instructor or by themselves, then supervised 1x/wk, home practice 20 min/day, 3x/wk for 10 wks recorded in a exercise log (n= 38)
Waitlist (n= 34)
Wang et al (2009)54
TC: 10-form Yang style; 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks, 20 min of home practice daily (n= 20)
Wellness education and stretching; 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks, 20 min of home stretching daily (n= 20)
“One participant in the TC group reported an increase in knee pain at the 2-week assessment. This was resolved following modification of the participant's TC techniques. One participant in each assignment group reported newly diagnosed cancer (1 breast cancer, 1 colon cancer) during the 12-week intervention period.”
Wang et al (2010)31
TC: 10 form Yang-style; 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks, home practice ≥ 20 min daily (n=33)
Wellness Education and stretching; 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks, home practice 20 min daily (n= 33)
Study staff
Each study visit
Metabolic, cardiovascular, and immune disorders |
Barrow et al (2007)60
TC: Wu Chian Chuan (Orchid Hand 21) style; 55 min, 2x/wk for 16 wks (n= 32)
Standard medical supervision and drug treatment (n= 33)
Caminiti et al (2011)61
TC: 10-move Yang style + endurance training (ET) on different days; 30 min, 3x/wk for 12 wks (n= 30)
Endurance training; 30 min, 3x/wk for 12 wks (n= 30)
Chan et al (2010)34
TC Qigong (TCQ): 13 move of Breathing Regulating TCQ; 60 min; 2/wk for 3 months (n= 70)
Exercise: Breathing and walking; self practice for 1 h everyday + community gatherings weekly for 3 months (n= 69)
Maintain routine activities + community gatherings weekly for 3 months (n= 67)
Chen et al (2010)35
TC: Simplified Chen style; 60 min, 3x/wk for 12 wks, given a DVD for home practice (n= 62)
Aerobic exercises (aerobic dance) 60 min, 3x/wk for 12 wks plus home based exercises (n=55)
Dechamps et al (2008)36
TC + diet: Modified Yang style; 120 min, 1x/wk for 10 wks (n= 11)
Conventional structured exercise program + diet: 120 min, 1x/wk for 10 wks (n= 10)
Hart et al (2004)62
TC: 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks (n= 9)
Physiotherapy exercises focused on improvement of balance; 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks (n= 9)
Jung et al (2012)26
Leung et al (2012)27
TC: 21-form, Sun style ("TC for Arthritis"); 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks, home practice 30 min/day, 5x/wk (n= 22)
Usual care; no exercise training (n= 20)
Sato et al (2010)37
TC + conventional cardiac rehabilitation: 8 move, Yang style; 60 min, 1x/wk, home practice 3x/wk for 1 yr (n= 10)
Conventional cardiac rehabilitation and routine care for 1 yr (n= 10)
Taylor-Piliae et al (2012)28
TC: 24-form, Yang style; 60 min, 3x/wk for 12 wks (n= 16)
Given information for participating in community-based physical activity for older adults (n= 12)
Tsai et al (2003)29
TC: 108-form Yang style; 50 min, 3x/wk for 12 wks (n= 37)
Sedentary; maintain usual lifestyle behaviors (n= 39)
Tsang et al (2007)46, 47
TC: 'hybrid' form,' 12 move Sun and Yang style; 60 min, 2x/wk for 16 wks (n= 18)
Sham exercise; 60, 2x/wk for 16 wks (n= 20)
“There were no exercise-related AEs, and no group differences in acute health problems. During the…study, diabetic medication was commenced by one TC, and ceased in one control participant.”
“One subject (with pre-existing spinal stenosis) in TC found the exercise intolerable secondary to pain and fatigue, and did not attend after session 1…Over the 16 weeks 0 (0-2) falls per person were reported in TC, and 0 (0-2) in the controls (p= 0.2).”
Tsang et al (2010)48
TC: 24-form, Yang style; 60 min, 3x/wk for 6 months (n= 8)
Kung Fu: 60 min, 3x/wk for 6 months (n= 12)
“Most AEs not related to study participation (99%). There were no significant differences between groups in AEs, whether they were related to study participation (KF: 0 (0–2) versus TC: 0 (0–0); P = .30)), or not (KF: 13.9 ± 9.6 versus TC: 7.1 ± 4.2; P = .08)…AEs occurred in 2 KF participants only, where both participants fell during the jogging/star-jump-type exercise warm-up. 1 participants also reported knee pain…”
Wang et al (2008)63
TC: Yang style; 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks, instructed to practice at least 20 min, 1x/day at home (n= 10)
Stretching and wellness education; 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks, instructed to practice at least 20 min, 1x/day at home (n= 10)
Wang et al (2010)38
TC: Yang style; 50 min, 1x/wk for 12 wks (n= 17)
Rehabilitation: 80 min (non-resistance 20 min + resistance 60 min), 1x/wk for 12 wks (n= 17)
Yeh et al (2004)50
TC: 5 moves, short form Yang style; 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks, videotape home practice ≥ 3x/wk (n= 15)
Waitlist, usual care; 12 wks (n= 15)
Study staff
At follow up visits
Yeh et al (2010)51
TC: short form Yang style + Usual Care; 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks, encouraged (not required) 35 min instructional videotape home practice ≥ 3x/wk (n= 5)
Control: Waitlist, usual care (n= 5)
Study staff
At follow up visits
Yeh et al (2011)52
TC: short form Yang style; 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks, 35 min instructional videotape home practice > 3x/wk (n= 50)
Heart health education program; 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks (n= 50)
Study staff
At follow up visits
“…no AEs related to the protocol. However, we documented several events during the study period, including 3 deaths (in the education), 6 hospitalizations (HF exacerbation/angina/shortness of breath: 2 in the TC and 4 in the education), 2 arrhythmias in TC, 2 episodes of syncope in education, and 3 falls (2 in TC and 1 in education).”
Yeh et al (2012)39
TC: 5-move, Yang style; 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks, encouraged to practice at home 3x/wk, provided with a 35 min instructional videotape (n= 8)
Aerobic Exercise; 60 min, 2x/wk for 12 wks, encouraged to practice at home 3x/wk, provided with a 35 min instructional videotape (n= 8)
Zhang et al (2008)64
Tai Ji Quan: 24 style, short form; 60 min, 5x/wk for 14 wks (n= 10)
Free activity program; 60 min, 5x/wk for 14 wks (n= 10)
Adults with cognitive deficites or mood disorders |
Lam et al (2011)66
TC: simplified 24-form; induction phase- with instructor 1x/wk for 8-12 wks, maintenance phase- no instructor ≥ 3x/wk for ≥ 30 min each time using a video up to 1 yr (n= 171)
Control: Muscle stretching exercise; induction phase- with an instructor 1x/wk for 8-12 wks, maintenance phase- no instructor ≥ 3x/wk for at ≥ 30 min each time using a video up to 1 yr (n= 218)
Lavretsky et al (2011)40
Tai Chi Chih: 2 h, 1x/wk for 10 wks + 10-20 mg/day of escitalopram for 16 wks (n= 36)
Health education; 2 h, 1x/wk for 10 wks + 10-20 mg/day of escitalopram for 16 wks (n= 37)
“We did not observe any serious AEs. Common mild-to-moderate side-effects attributable to the medication included nausea, diarrhea, excessive sedation, daytime sleepiness, and rash.“
Tsai et al (2012)65
TC: 12-form Sun style (TC for Arthritis); 20 min gradually progressing to 40 min/, 3x/wk for 20 wks (n= 28)
Health education; 20-40 min, 3x/wk for 20 wks (n= 27)
Yeung et al (2012)18
N (TC only)
Each class