Table 2. Central tendency values and dispersion of the variables associated with the ICF components.
Measurement/Score | (n=35) |
Body functions and structures component | |
HSp (kg) | 11.8±8.8 |
HSnp (kg) | 30.2±10.0 |
Activity Component | |
Natural GS (m/s) | 1.0±0.8 |
Maximal GS (m/s) | 1.3±1.1 |
TUGT (s) | 16.4±7.4 |
Participation Component | |
SS-QOL | 179 (163/199) |
HSp: handgrip strength of the paretic limb; HSnp: handgrip strength of the non-paretic limb; GS: Gait speed; TUGT: Timed “Up and Go” test; SS-QOL: Stroke Specific Quality of Life. Data are expressed as mean±SD for parametric variables, and as median and interquartile range (25% and 75%) for nonparametric variables.