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. 2015 Jun 30;27(6):1665–1670. doi: 10.1589/jpts.27.1665

Table 3. Identification of ICF categories assessed by the primary outcomes of the instruments.

Body Function b122 Global psychosocial functions
b126 Personality
b1263 Psychic stability
b1264 Openness to experience
b1265 Optimism
b1266 Confidence
b1300 Energy level
b1302 Appetite
b1400 Sustaining attention
b144 Memory functions
b152 Emotional functions
b167 Mental functions of language
b1672 Language functions
b2100 Visual acuity functions
b2101Visual field functions
b2102 Quality of vision
b2351 Vestibular function of balance
b320 Articulation functions
b330 Fluency and rhythm of speech functions
b455 Exercise tolerance functions
b510 Ingestion functions
b730 Muscle power functions
b7300 Power of isolated muscles and muscle groups
b7302 Power of muscles of one side of the body
b755 Involuntary movement reaction functions

Activity and Participation d110 Watching
d160 Focusing attention
d163 Thinking
d170 Writing
d2201 Completing multiple tasks
d230 Carrying out daily routine
d330 Speaking
d350 Conversation
d360 Using communication devices and techniques
d3600 Using communication devices
d4 Mobility
d410 Changing basic body position
d4103 Sitting
d4104 Standing
d4105 Bending
d4106 Shifting the body’s center of gravity
d4154 Maintaining a standing position
d440 Fine hand use
d445 Hand and arm use
d4453 Turning or twisting the hands or arms
d450 Walking
d4500 Walking short distances
d4551 Climbing
d465 Moving around using equipment
d5101 Washing whole body
d530 Toileting
d540 Dressing
d550 Eating
d6300 Preparing simple meals
d640 Doing housework
d660 Assisting others
d750 Informal social relationships
d760 Family relationships
d7702 Sexual relationships
d850 Remunerative employment
d920 Recreation and leisure

Environmental Factors e120 Products and technology for personal indoor and outdoor mobility and transportation
e125 Products and technology for communication
e410 Individual attitudes of immediate family members

b: body function; d: activity and participation; e: environmental factors