Table 3. Identification of ICF categories assessed by the primary outcomes of the instruments.
Body Function | b122 Global psychosocial functions |
b126 Personality | |
b1263 Psychic stability | |
b1264 Openness to experience | |
b1265 Optimism | |
b1266 Confidence | |
b1300 Energy level | |
b1302 Appetite | |
b1400 Sustaining attention | |
b144 Memory functions | |
b152 Emotional functions | |
b167 Mental functions of language | |
b1672 Language functions | |
b2100 Visual acuity functions | |
b2101Visual field functions | |
b2102 Quality of vision | |
b2351 Vestibular function of balance | |
b320 Articulation functions | |
b330 Fluency and rhythm of speech functions | |
b455 Exercise tolerance functions | |
b510 Ingestion functions | |
b730 Muscle power functions | |
b7300 Power of isolated muscles and muscle groups | |
b7302 Power of muscles of one side of the body | |
b755 Involuntary movement reaction functions | |
Activity and Participation | d110 Watching |
d160 Focusing attention | |
d163 Thinking | |
d170 Writing | |
d2201 Completing multiple tasks | |
d230 Carrying out daily routine | |
d330 Speaking | |
d350 Conversation | |
d360 Using communication devices and techniques | |
d3600 Using communication devices | |
d4 Mobility | |
d410 Changing basic body position | |
d4103 Sitting | |
d4104 Standing | |
d4105 Bending | |
d4106 Shifting the body’s center of gravity | |
d4154 Maintaining a standing position | |
d440 Fine hand use | |
d445 Hand and arm use | |
d4453 Turning or twisting the hands or arms | |
d450 Walking | |
d4500 Walking short distances | |
d4551 Climbing | |
d465 Moving around using equipment | |
d5101 Washing whole body | |
d530 Toileting | |
d540 Dressing | |
d550 Eating | |
d6300 Preparing simple meals | |
d640 Doing housework | |
d660 Assisting others | |
d750 Informal social relationships | |
d760 Family relationships | |
d7702 Sexual relationships | |
d850 Remunerative employment | |
d920 Recreation and leisure | |
Environmental Factors | e120 Products and technology for personal indoor and outdoor mobility and transportation |
e125 Products and technology for communication | |
e410 Individual attitudes of immediate family members |
b: body function; d: activity and participation; e: environmental factors