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. 2015 May 28;80(1):3–19. doi: 10.1111/bcp.12601

Common causes of ToxAKI following poisoning or snake envenomation in LDC

Most common cause Case fatality AKI incidence References
Paraquat 40–50% >50% 6,8,9
Glyphosate 2–30% 15–25%* 10,11,77
Propanil 11% 8%* 12
Chlorphenoxy herbicides (MCPA) 5% 4%* 1315, 159
Paraphenylene-diamine dye 20–30% 10–50% 26,160,161
Aluminium phosphide 10–40% 15–25% 17,162
Oxalic acid + potassium permanganate 5–25% 55%* 18
Gloriosa superba 6% 25%*
Cleistanthus collinus 30% 15% 21,22
Herbal medicines (Aloe capensis, Aristolochia clematitis, Callilepis laureola, Catha edulis, Colchicum autumnale, Euphorbia matabalensis, Securidacea longepedunculata) 26,163
Snake envenoming
Russell's viper 1–20 % 10–40% 23, 164166
Hump-nosed pit viper <1% 5–10% 65,167,168
Saw-scaled vipers <1% 2–4% 25,169,170
Bothrops 1% 1.6%–38.5% 32,171
Crotalus species 2% 10%–29% 32

Unpublished data obtained from South Asian Clinical Toxicology Research Collaboration database.

Regional and species specific variation; only selected species with data on AKI incidence are listed.

Nephrotoxicity is reported following therapeutic doses; poisoning with herbal medicine is uncommon 26,163.