Figure 5.
Exercise training combined with normal diet results in higher protein level of ADAM17
A, expression of TIMP3, ADAM17 and phosphorylated ADAM17 in rat gastrocnemius by Western blotting at the end of the intervention period (T1 to T2). B–D, quantification of TIMP3 (B) ADAM17 (C) and ADAM17 (D) phosphorylation ratios (p-ADAM17 divided by ADAM17). All Western blot results were first normalized to the total protein content and then expressed relative to control. Results are the mean ± SEM (n = 10 rats per group). ***P < 0.001. HF/HS, high fat/high sucrose diet; HF/HS+E, high fat/high sucrose diet and exercise training; ND, normal diet; NE+E, normal diet and exercise training.