Fig 2. (A) Gel electrophoresis of PCR amplified 16S rDNA for the DNA extracted using the powdered glass method M6.
Samples were analyzed on 1% agarose gel in 0.5X TBE buffer. Lane M: 1 Kb DNA ladder (Merck, India); Lane 1: Garden soil; Lane 2: Sewage sludge; Lane 3: Lake soil; Lane 4: Compost; Lane 5: E.coli MTCC 40; Lane 6: Bacillus subtilis NRRL-B-201. Lane 7: Negative control. (B). Gel electrophoresis of PCR amplified ITS-2 for the DNA extracted using the powdered glass method M6. Lane M: 100bp DNA ladder (Merck, India); Lane 1: Negative control; Lane 2: PCR amplification of ITS -2 region of Chlorella sorokiniana UTEX# 1666.