Capacity for neurogenesis declines with age. (A) The total number of Ki-67 positive nuclei significantly declines with age. Regression analysis predicts a 68% decline in Ki-67 positive cells between a 7 and a 25-years-old monkey (threefold change). (B) The total number of BrdU positive cell nuclei that are present after a 3-weeks survival also shows a significant negative correlation with age. Regression predicts a 53% decline between ages 7 and 25, which corresponds to a twofold change in BrdU labeled cells. (C) A photomicrograph illustrates BrdU immunohistochemistry with cresyl violet counterstain in the DG of a young monkey; scale bar = 100μm. The box represents a cluster of BrdU positive nuclei, which is enlarged in (D). (E) Aged animals also show clusters of BrdU positive nuclei as shown here. Scale bar for (D,E) = 20 μm.