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. 2015 Jul 15;35(28):10154–10167. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3708-14.2015

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

dDAAM protein localization in the developing brain. A, A′, The dDAAM protein (red) is highly enriched in the neuropile region of the brain as shown in an optical section of a whole-mount preparation of a wild-type, few hours old adult brain. Cell nuclei are shown in green with anti-Elav staining (A′). B, B′, The dDAAM protein (red) is present in the MB region of the brain where it displays a strong accumulation in the middle of the lobes (arrows). C, Schematic drawing of the MB comprised of three types of KC, the γ, α′/β′, and α/β neurons (blue, orange, and green, respectively). The KC cell bodies are located in a dorsal posterior position, and they extend axons anterior ventrally that form a massive fiber tract called the peduncle. Whereas the γ axons run medially and form the γ lobe, the α′/β′ and α/β axons bifurcate and fasciculate into the dorsally running α′ and α lobes, and the medially running β′ and β lobes. D–F′, The dDAAM protein (green) can be detected in the developing γ lobes (labeled with FasII staining in red) during the first larval instar stage (L1) (D, D′), in the α′/β′ axons during the third larval instar stage (L3) (E, E′), and in pupal brains 48 h after puparium formation (APF) (F, F′). A dDAAM enrichment is clearly visible in the middle of the MB lobes in all stages (D–F′, arrows). G, Confocal image of an MB stained with anti-FasII (green). The α and β lobes and the pedunculus are indicated, as well as the approximate position of the optical cross-sections depicted in H. H, Cross-sections of the α/β lobes and the pedunculus of the adult MB. The NP6024-GFP marker (green) (NP6024-Gal4/+; UAS-mCD8::GFP/+) labels the middle of the lobes where the newly forming axons run. The dDAAM protein (red) is enriched in the middle of the NP6024-GFP-positive tracts, indicating that the dDAAM accumulation corresponds to the young axons of the MB.