Fig. 1.
Schematic diagrams for ACV synthetase NRPS and products. (A) Schematic diagram showing the domain organization of P. chrysogenum ACV synthetase (E: epimerization domain, TE: thioesterase domain). (B) Schematic diagrams showing the two reactions performed by the A domain. (C) Ribbon diagram showing the 140° rotation of the A subdomain (labeled Asub) between the adenylation (orange) and thioesterification (yellow) conformations. A domains of PheA (PDBID:1AMU, orange) and PA1221 (PDBID:4DG9, yellow) were superimposed using the main body of the A domain (labeled A). PheA substrates are shown in gray spheres to mark the active site. (D) The chemical structures of (i) the tri-peptide product of ACV synthetase and (ii) penicillin G.