GOT1 and ME1 expression predicts response to radiation therapy in NSCLC patients. a Percent of complete responders to ionizing radiation (IR) in NSCLC patients separated based on KRAS status. Total number of complete responders in TCGA database = 14; wild-type KRAS = 13, mutant KRAS responders = 1. OR = odds ratio. Results compared using Fisher’s exact test. b, c
ME1 and GOT1 log2 mRNA expression levels with calculated mean from TCGA NSCLC patients prior to radiation treatment with associated patient outcome after radiation treatment, CR = complete response, disappearance of all target lesions; PD = progressive disease, >20 % increase in the sum of the longest diameter of target lesions. Multiple probes integrated for each gene. d, e Kaplan-Meier overall survival curves in IR-treated NSCLC patients from KMPLOT database separated into high and low GOT1 and ME1 expression. Total number of NSCLC patients analyzed = 73; number of patients with high expression: ME1 = 40, GOT1 = 45; number of patients with low expression: ME1 = 33, GOT1 = 28. All results were compared using Student’s t-tests or a Cox regression analysis unless otherwise stated. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < .001