Changes of the regulatory circuit components in cocultured HepG2 cells. After HepG2, cells were cocultured with 13.5-d (A) and 14.5-d (B) mouse embryonic hepato-cytes for different times and the expression of the circuit components, and c-myc was evaluated. The expression of hnf-4α, hnf-1α, hnf-6 and usf-1 increased, whereas that of c-myc decreased significantly. (C) Their protein contents were measured for 13.5-d embryonic hepatocyte coculture. (D) The increases in HNF-4α, HNF-1α, HNF-6 and USF-1 levels and decreases in c-Myc levels were verified. The regulatory circuit components were detected (E), which were low in HepG2 cells and significantly high in 13.5-d mouse embryonic hepatocytes (F). *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01 versus 0 h or HepG2 group. The experiments were repeated three times. Con, control.